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Content description VCASFC132

Auslan: Second Language Learner F–10 Sequence / Foundation to Level 2 / Communicating / Creating
Content description
Participate in the shared viewing of recorded or live imaginative signed texts, responding through drawing, miming, gesture or familiar signs
  1. viewing recorded or live children’s stories and nursery rhymes in Auslan, for example National Simultaneous Storytime books, demonstrating understanding through drawing, gesture, modelled signs or voice
  2. responding to short expressive texts that involve the movement of people, animals and/or vehicles, using drawings, familiar signs or re-enactments with puppets or props
  3. playing with key elements of short signed stories, for example by mimicking facial expressions or repeated signs
  4. interacting with a signing puppet or doll in an imaginary setting, for example by signing simple questions such as:
    What is your name?
    What do you like to do?
    Auslan video
  5. participating in interactions in Auslan that involve imaginative responses to stimuli, using gestures, handshapes, facial expressions and simple signs
  6. engaging with different forms of Deaf art, such as handshape creations
  7. shadowing non-manual features in short Auslan poems or stories
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