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Content description VCDEC125

German: F–10 Sequence / Levels 3 and 4 / Communicating / Creating
Content description
Respond to imaginative print and digital texts in a variety of ways such as by acting out events, identifying favourite elements and making simple statements about characters
  1. using modelled structures and picture prompts to retell the basic plot of a narrative, or making simple summary statements, for example, Shrek und Fiona sind im Schloss.
  2. creating a profile of a favourite character from a text, including features such as Name, Alter, mag/mag … nicht, Aussehen and Bild
  3. creating a timeline of the main events of a story using pictures, words and/or simple sentences
  4. using a thinking tool to respond to an imaginative text in various ways, such as describing what emotions they feel listening to the story, for example, Das macht mich glücklich/traurig/nervös
  5. acting out a text with a repetitive plot and/or dialogue, for example, Das Rübenziehen
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