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Content description VCDEC127

German: F–10 Sequence / Levels 3 and 4 / Communicating / Translating
Content description
Compare aspects of German and English language, such as vocabulary, sounds and rhymes, and cultural information, and share with peers and family
  1. comparing and matching key words in German and English, such as names for German-speaking countries and some cities (Deutschland/Germany, Wien/Vienna) and animals
  2. listening to the way animal sounds are represented in German, such as in Das kleine Küken animation, and comparing them with English and other languages, for example, Ein Hahn macht, kikeriki, ein Hund macht, wau wauʻ
  3. sharing an item relating to German language and culture through the school newsletter, at an assembly or in a library display, such as an Ostereierwettbewerb and Osterbaum, or electronically displaying links to digitally produced student items such as movies or photo-text collages
  4. comparing the Australian and German ways of writing a postal address, for example, in German the Hausnummer appears after the street name and the Postleitzahl appears before the suburb/town
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