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Content description VCDEC139

German: F–10 Sequence / Levels 5 and 6 / Communicating / Socialising
Content description
Use simple questions, statements and responses to participate in and support classroom interactions and learning activities, and to indicate understanding and monitor own learning
  1. politely asking peers to do something and responding to requests, for example, giving and receiving things (Gib mir itte den Stift! bitte schön; danke schön)
  2. discussing and creating shared class rules and procedures, for example, Dürfen wir auf dem Boden sitzen? Wir müssen immer aufpassen.
  3. checking on progress during learning tasks or activities, using comments and questions such as Kein Problem! Das schaffen wir. Was machst du jetzt? Verstehst du das?
  4. sharing ideas about the experience of learning and using German, and comparing what they can and cannot do, for example, Ich kann gut sprechen, aber ich finde das Lesen und Schreiben schwierig.
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