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Content description VCDEU153

German: F–10 Sequence / Levels 5 and 6 / Understanding / Role of language and culture
Content description
Understand that own and others’ language use is shaped by and reflects the values, ideas and norms of a community
  1. recognising that texts such as stories have a social and cultural purpose, for example, the moral of a fairy tale (Aschenputtel) and comparing the kinds of personal characteristics that are depicted in texts as desirable
  2. recognising that language use can have connections to cultural practices, such as expressions from family or religious celebrations, or from outdoor activities such as sports, for example, Gott sei Dank!, ‘Howzat!’, ‘fair go’
  3. discussing situations of culturally inappropriate language use and noticing what makes them inappropriate and how this may be addressed, for example, addressing an adult who is not a family member with du instead of Sie
  4. noticing the impact of own assumptions about people from German-speaking countries, their language and culture, when listening to, reading and viewing texts, and considering how German speakers too may make assumptions and generalisations about Australians
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