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Content description VCFRC001

French: F–10 Sequence / Foundation to Level 2 / Communicating / Socialising
Content description
Interact with each other and the teacher using simple language and gestures for exchanges such as greetings and farewells, thanks and introductions, and for talking about self and family
  1. introducing themselves and responding to greetings, for example, Comment t’appelles-tu? Je m’appelle…; Ça va, Emilie? Ça va bien, merci
  2. using simple descriptive or expressive statements to describe themselves and to express likes, preferences or feelings, for example, moi, j’ai cinq ans; je suis australien; j’aime le sport; moi, je préfère la danse; je suis très content
  3. recognising and responding to simple questions on topics such as home, school or pets, using supporting intonation and gestures, for example, Qui est-ce? C’est Maman. Qu’est-ce que c’est? C’est la chaise. Où est…? Il est…C’est un chien? Mais non…C’est un chat!
  4. using formulaic French phrases for everyday interactions such as thanking, apologising, and offering wishes or congratulations, for example, Merci!…oh, pardon; bon appétit; bonne fête! bravo!
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