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Content description VCFRC042

French: F–10 Sequence / Levels 5 and 6 / Communicating / Creating
Content description
Share responses to characters, events and ideas in texts such as stories, cartoons or films, making connections with own experience and feelings
  1. creating storyboards to represent key events in different types of imaginative texts, including captions or word bubbles to capture moods or feelings, for example, la peur, le bonheur, l’étonnement
  2. comparing favourite characters in plays, stories or cartoons, and listing words or expressions associated with their role or personality (for example, timide, gros, géant, minuscule, rigolo, belle) and explaining how they can relate to them
  3. introducing a character from a story, cartoon or television series that reminds them of themselves, a close friend or a family member, using performative, narrative or graphic modes of presentation
  4. responding to questions about characters, events or effects in different types of imaginative texts such as puppet shows, stories and films, using modelled language to express reactions, for example, c’est triste, j’ai peur, elle est folle!
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