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Content description VCFRC058

French: F–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Access, summarise and analyse information from different sources relating to contemporary community and lifestyle issues
  1. accessing, collating and analysing information on youth-related issues (for example, la musique, la télévision, les sports) from sources such as the internet, magazines and personal communications, and classifying findings into themes, for example, la jeunesse urbaine, l’environnement, le fast food
  2. collecting information on topics related to lifestyle choices, explaining changes in focus and perspective over different periods, for example, Gitane - vous apporte, sans réserves, le plaisir de fumer, 1957: sans tabac, prenons la vie à pleins poumons, 2014
  3. listening to or viewing informative texts such as television news reports or feature articles, and noting key words, specialised terms or points of information to be reused in own newsflash or roman photo, for example, en direct, les dernières nouvelles, l’information continue, la météo
  4. researching young people’s lifestyles across French-speaking cultures and contexts, comparing information from different cultural contexts to identify the influence of factors such as geography, climate, and social and community environment, for example, les colonies de vacances, les boulots, les sports aquatiques, les jeux vidéos
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