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Content description VCHIC005

Hindi: F–10 Sequence / Foundation to Level 2 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Use simple statements, gestures and support materials to convey factual information about self, family, friends and the immediate environment
  1. labelling or naming classroom items, resources and personal possessions, for example, मेज़, कुर्सी, कम्प्यूटर, पेंसिल, बस्ता
  2. contributing to a class photo story by creating and reading captions to their own photos, for example, मैं ख़ुश/उदास हूँ।, or by presenting points of personal information, मुझे चॉक्लेट पसंद है। मेरे पास एक काली बिल्ली है। मैं एक अच्छी क्रिकेट खिलाड़ी हूँl
  3. using simple sentence structures, familiar vocabulary and supporting gestures to talk about themselves and their immediate environment, for example, मेरे पास एक लाल गाड़ी है। मैं प्रार्थना करने मंदिर/ मस्जिद / गुरुद्वारे / गिरिजाघर जाता हूँ l
  4. representing aspects of their daily routines by writing captions to drawings/pictures or attaching word bubbles, such as स्कूल जाना, दोपहर का खाना, पार्क में खेलना।
  5. participating in ‘Show and Tell’ by presenting and commenting on items of personal interest, for example, मेरा पालतू जानवर; मेरा मनपसंद खिलौना
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