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Content description VCHIU053

Hindi: F–10 Sequence / Levels 5 and 6 / Understanding / Language variation and change
Content description
Reflect on their own use of Hindi, English and other languages or dialects for different social purposes, and recognise that they sometimes mix and switch between languages
  1. creating individual language profiles, explaining which languages or dialects they use in their family, social and community lives
  2. recognising that language use among bilingual/multilingual speakers varies according to ethnicity, age, profession or social status and to the context of use
  3. reflecting on the different role of elements such as gestures, body language and the use of space or silence when they are using different languages
  4. reflecting on the impact on their lives and on their sense of identity of speaking more than one language
  5. reflecting on how they use language differently in interactions across different contexts, and how these differences help to signal social roles and relationships
  6. sharing examples of how they sometimes mix and switch between languages when they are speaking to each other
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