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Content description VCIDU013

Indonesian: F–10 Sequence / Foundation to Level 2 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Recognise questions, commands and simple subject-focus sentences, and develop vocabulary for people, places and things in their personal world
  1. identifying people using pronouns (ibu, ayah, bapak, adik, kakak), referring to pets (anjing, kucing), and using concrete nouns for objects (buku, tas, pintu)
  2. describing possession using word order in familiar phrases, for example, nama saya…, ibu saya…
  3. greetings and farewelling others, for example, Selamat pagi/siang/sore/ malam, sampai jumpa
  4. specifying location using prepositions, for example, di atas, di bawah, di dalam, di belakang
  5. describing actions using simple verbs, for example, makan, duduk, minum, suka, tidur
  6. interacting using auxiliary verbs, for example, ada, mau, tahu, boleh, bisa
  7. understanding different question words and the anticipated answer, for example, siapa? (people), apa? (objects, actions), di mana? (location), berapa? (quantity)
  8. using imperatives to tell others to do something, for example, Duduklah, Lipat tangan, Tepuk tangan
  9. referring to numbers of things using cardinal numbers (nol-sepuluh puluh, belas)
  10. describing the colour, size, shape and character of a person, place or thing using noun–adjective phrases, for example, buku merah, anjing besar, kucing kecil, bapak tinggi, saya pendek, adik lucu
  11. joining words or phrases using conjunctions, for example, dan, tetapi
  12. referring to things using demonstratives ini and itu, for example, Ini buku merah
  13. negating verbs and adjectives using tidak
  14. expressing modality, for example, mau, ingin, boleh, bisa
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