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Content description VCIDU030

Indonesian: F–10 Sequence / Levels 3 and 4 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Develop understanding of ways to express possession and describe qualities of people and objects, and expand vocabulary related to personal and social world
  1. describing people and animals using pronouns, gender and adjectives of character, for example, dia, mereka, teman, kakak laki-laki, adik perempuan, kakek, nenek; kaki, tangan, mata; kucing, marmot, burung; gemuk, kurus, tinggi, senang, sedih, marah; and describing weather using adjectives such as panas, dingin, hujan, mendung, cerah
  2. describing places (for example, kolam renang, taman, toko, pantai, sekolah, rumah, desa, gereja, pura, mesjid) and movement using prepositions (for example, dari, ke, dengan, pada) and adjectives, for example, kiri, kanan
  3. describing objects using concrete nouns related to home, school and local environment, for example, forms of transport (sepeda, mobil, bis, kereta api, becak, delman, dokar, bendi) and items such as foods (semangka, kelapa)
  4. describing quantity using cardinal numbers (puluh, ratus) and ordinal numbers using ke- prefix, and making plurals by duplicating, for example, buku-buku
  5. describing actions using simple base verbs (for example, tinggal, bangun, mandi, naik) and ber- verbs, for example, bermain, berjalan, bersepeda, berenang
  6. recognising imperatives, for example, Angkat tangan, Buka bukumu, Ayo cepat!
  7. seeking information using questions, for example, kapan, dari mana, ke mana?
  8. linking ideas using conjunctions, for example, karena, tetapi
  9. locating events in time (for example, hari ini, kemarin, besok, sudah, belum) and using days of the week and months, for example, Pada hari…
  10. understanding the rules for subject-verb-object sentence construction (for example, Saya tinggi, Saya bermain…, Saya makan…) and possessive word order, for example, Adik laki-laki saya…, Tas teman Herman
  11. giving praise, gratitude and encouragement, for example, coba, Bagus sekali!, terima kasih banyak
  12. recognising that the same rules of punctuation apply as in English, for example, using capital letters and full stops for sentences
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