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Content description VCIDU064

Indonesian: F–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Develop knowledge of me- verb rules and how to link and extend ideas such as by using adverbs and cohesive devices
  1. identifying people (for example, teman, teman gaul, kenalan) and their occupations, for example, pembantu, penyanyi, tukang kayu, dokter gigi
  2. naming a range of animals, for example, binatang peliharaan, kelinci
  3. describing qualities of people using adjectives of character and appearance, for example, setia, keren, sabar, optimis
  4. describing qualities of things using adjectives, for example, bertingkat dua, lama
  5. indicating quantity using juta
  6. identifying things using concrete nouns, for example, sawah, gunung api, hutan
  7. creating nouns, for example, makan-an, minum-an, masak-an, baca-an
  8. describing actions using me- verbs, for example, Saya selalu menikmati cerita horor
  9. creating distance between actor, action and objects using object-focus construction, for example, Mobil barunya dicuri tadi malam
  10. indicating negation, for example, jangan, tidak sama sekali
  11. referring to past and future using time indicators, for example, tadi pagi, nanti malam, sebelum, sesudah, kemudian, lalu
  12. seeking information using a range of questions, for example, bagaimana, dari mana, apakah, kapan, mengapa, sudah pernah?
  13. describing frequency using adverbs, for example, jarang, setiap, pernah, selalu
  14. creating cohesion using conjunctions, for example, supaya, walaupun
  15. adding further information using embedded clauses with yang
  16. accepting or declining invitations, for example, mau ikut, maaf, sayang
  17. well-wishing, for example, mudah-mudahan, semoga
  18. comparing and contrasting, for example, paling, ter-, dibandingkan dengan…
  19. expressing opinions, for example, dari pihak saya…
  20. expressing emotions, for example, -wah, sayang, asyik, hebat, siip, seru
  21. describing state of actions, for example, sudah, belum, pernah
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