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Content description VCITC024

Italian: F–10 Sequence / Levels 3 and 4 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Obtain and process factual information about people, routines, responsibilities and interests
  1. surveying classmates or responding to questionnaires about likes, interests, routines and activities (for example, Ti piace ...? Mi piace/non mi piace. Qual è il tuo libro preferito? Qual è il tuo programma televisivo preferito?), tabulating the results, and presenting information in various forms, such as class profiles, birthday charts or summaries of findings, for example, Dieci bambini giocano a tennis e tre a basket
  2. generating questions such as Quanti … A che ora? Dov’ è la festa?
  3. reading profiles and other information about children in different cultural contexts, in print and digital form
  4. ordering and categorising information, for example, cibi sani e cibi poco sani
  5. asking and responding to questions that address information such as participants, characteristics of a person, and dates, times and locations of events of interest to the class, for example, la domenica; il dieci giugno; ha trentasette anni; è alto e forte; è grandissima; ha due ali; abita a Milano
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