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Content description VCITC077

Italian: F–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Socialising
Content description
Initiate, sustain and extend discussions related to aspirations, relationships and contemporary social issues
  1. corresponding with peers throughout the year (for example, by phone, Skype, email or wikis) to build relationships and share views about home, school, lifestyle, leisure activities and interests
  2. interacting in speaking or writing with an Italian contact to seek personal information about their past, current activities and future plans, and to ask about life in Italy and the possibility of visiting in future, for example, Questo è il dottor Bianchi. Le presento la dottoressa Russo. Piacere! Che lavoro fai? Cosa facevi tre anni fa, in Italia? Cosa bevi a tavola? Ben arrivato/a! Entri! Prego. Le dispiace inviarmi una copia di … Distinti saluti
  3. sustaining exchanges with others by acknowledging, asking for repetition or clarification, or questioning further, for example, Scusi non ho capito, può ripetere, per favore? Potrebbe ascoltare, per favore? Può aiutarmi a … Mi sono dimenticato/a di
  4. using contextual clues and gestures to assist in comprehending and expressing meanings during spoken conversations, such as responding to facial expressions showing emotion or confusion, for example, Ah, ora capisco! È davvero interessante. Come hai/ha detto? Eh sì! Ma scherzi!
  5. interviewing class members to gauge views about aspects of daily life (such as school, pastimes, relationships and the local environment), and discussing as a class the major themes and concerns that emerge, for example, Come mai …? Perché …? Secondo te …? Forse ... pensi che …? È chiaro che
  6. sharing opinions with peers about experiences, events and interests incorporating language to express emotions and opinions such as approval, gratitude, regret, appreciation or boredom, for example, Ti è piaciuto/a la puntata/il concerto di …? Cosa pensi di …? Preferisco … Penso che … Vorrei … Mi piace di più … Purtroppo ... Insomma!
  7. debating pros and cons related to topics such as adolescenti a dieta or the l’uso dei social media, for example, Sono pro/contro ... perché ... Di pro/contro c’è
  8. exchanging letters, emails and videos with peers in Italy, comparing aspects of youth lifestyle, school and environment, using comparisons when expressing thoughts and ideas, for example, Come trascorrerete le vacanze estive? Come voi, anche noi andiamo in Italia …
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