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Content description VCITC116

Italian: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Socialising
Content description
Participate in individual and collective action by deciding, explaining and justifying
  1. participating in planning and decision making with others, for example, arranging an event, class debate, performance, excursion or guest speaker, or organising a petition or a letter to the principal/local council (Devo/Dobbiamo organizzare Cosa dobbiamo fare? Chi invitiamo? Bisogna [+ infinitive]. Vuoi venire al dibattito con me? Come possiamo convincere il comune a … ? Scriviamo una lettera per convincere il preside a … )
  2. expressing, contrasting and comparing views on particular expectations and issues such as the use of social media at school, by writing blogs, emails and letters, for example, sono d’accordo, non sono d’accordo; vorrei dare la mia opinione
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