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Content description VCITC117

Italian: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Socialising
Content description
Participate in spoken and written transactions, including obtaining and negotiating different services and problem-solving
  1. participating in negotiations in conversation and correspondence, for example, discussing possibilities regarding travel to Italy or the purchase of goods such as fashion items, musical equipment, a mobile phone (Quanto costa il biglietto per … ? Vorrei il biglietto più economico. Posso vedere l’ultimo modello del telefonino Ha una custodia colorata? Queste scarpe sono piccole; ho bisogno di un numero più grande. I pantaloni sono troppo larghi. C’è la taglia più piccola?)
  2. corresponding to express a complaint about a poor-quality service and suggest a way to improve it
  3. applying for a part-time job and participating in a mock interview
  4. requesting a service, for example, changing a flight, exchanging currency, purchasing a SIM card or confirming accommodation
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