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Content description VCITU092

Italian: F–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Understanding / Language variation and change
Content description
Investigate how language varies according to context and speakers
  1. comparing texts created for different audiences, such as advertisements, brochures and signs for urban and rural communities or different regions, noticing how the language reflects ideas and concerns that are important to different communities
  2. analysing differences in lexis and syntax between regional uses of Standard Italian and dialect
  3. exploring texts associated with particular subgroups in Italian communities (for example, children, youth, women, the elderly, rappers, police, athletes) to understand how groups develop their own language and how this influences membership
  4. analysing degrees of formality in correspondence and dialogue to discover features of language that affect formality, for example, the use of the subjunctive (Qualunque cosa vuoi, non fare complimenti. Qualunque cosa Lei voglia, non faccia complimenti)
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