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Content description VCJAC136

Japanese: F–10 Sequence / Levels 3 and 4 / Communicating / Reflecting
Content description
Notice what is similar or different to own language and culture when interacting in Japanese in different contexts and situations
  1. noticing how respect is shown to teachers and classmates through practices such as apologising for ‘interrupting’ when entering a room, しつれいします、おくれて すみません, expressing humility by not going first or putting oneself forward どうぞ, or not using さん for self
  2. practising ways of accepting compliments or praise in Japanese, for example, by saying いいえ instead of ありがとう。, and comparing this with what they would do in a similar situation in their own language(s)
  3. noticing differences between Japanese and Australian-English language used in certain social situations, for example, いただきます、ごちそうさまでした, before and after meals, and ただいま、おかえりなさい, when leaving or returning home, including forms of address and the use of body language, intonation and expression
  4. considering how some aspects of Australian ways of communicating such as greetings, responding to thanks or using direct eye contact may be interpreted by people from a Japanese cultural background
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