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Content description VCTRC077

Turkish: F–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Translating
Content description
Create glossaries and annotations in English that provide explanations for cultural and contextual references in contemporary and traditional Turkish texts
  1. identifying and explaining cultural references in media texts such as letters to the editor or opinion pieces on issues related to traditional or contemporary Turkish culture, for example, Küçük çocukların evlendirilmesi doğru mu? Pazara kadar değil, mezara kadar
  2. explaining cultural allusions in texts associated with historical, religious, national or civic events, for example, bir yastıkta kocayın, maşallah, nazar değmesin, Allah kabul etsin, bayramınız mübarek olsun, sıhhatler olsun, kolay gelsin
  3. identifying terms associated with particular elements of Turkish culture and lifestyle, such as aile hayatı, batıl inanç, yemek kültürü, yayla ve Türk düğünü, discussing how they exemplify Turkish values, traditions and changes over time, and how they might be understood by non-Turkish speakers
  4. creating a bilingual virtual tour of the school for new or intending students, noticing which language ‘works’ most effectively for different elements of the presentation
ScOT catalogue terms
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