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Level 7


Economics and Business

Economics and Business Level Description

In Levels 7 and 8, students consider what it means to be a consumer, a worker and a producer in the market and the relationships between, and interdependence of, these groups. The ways markets work within Australia to set prices, the participants in the market system and the ways these participants may influence the market’s operation are explored.

Students investigate how businesses and...

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Economics and Business Content Descriptions

Resource Allocation and Making Choices

  1. Examine the ways consumers and producers respond to and influence each other in the market, particularly through price mechanism (VCEBR011)
  2. Identify why and how markets may be influenced by government (VCEBR012)

Consumer and Financial Literacy

  1. Investigate the rights and responsibilities of consumers and businesses in terms of financial and economic decision making (VCEBC013)
  2. Explain the reasons why and the ways in which individuals and businesses set, prioritise and plan to achieve financial and organisational goals (VCEBC014)

The Business Environment

  1. Explore and observe the characteristics of entrepreneurs and successful businesses (VCEBB015)

Work and Work Futures

  1. Consider the ways in which work can contribute to individual and societal wellbeing (VCEBW016)
  2. Describe the nature and investigate the influences on the work environment (VCEBW017)

Enterprising Behaviours and Capabilities

  1. Explain the role of enterprising behaviours and capabilities in the work environment and explore how individuals and businesses can use them (VCEBN018)

Economic and Business Reasoning and Interpretation

  1. Identify relationships and trends, and generate a range of alternatives for an economic or business issue or event, evaluating the potential costs and benefits of each alternative and the consequences of proposed actions (VCEBE019)

Economics and Business Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 8, students describe the interdependence of consumers and producers in the market and explain how markets operate to set prices and why governments may influence the market’s operation. They explain the rights and responsibilities of consumers and businesses when making economics and business decisions. Students explain why and how individuals and businesses set, prioritise and plan for financial and organisational goals. They describe the characteristics of successful businesses, the way these businesses use enterprising behaviours and capabilities, and explain how entrepreneurial individuals can contribute to this success. Students discuss how work contributes to societal wellbeing and describe the influences on the work environment. They identify trends and relationships and propose alternative responses to an economics and/or business issue or event. They evaluate the costs and benefits of each alternative response and identify the effects and potential consequences of these actions.

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