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Level 7


Indonesian: 7–10 Sequence

Indonesian: 7–10 Sequence Level Description

Students are introduced to the written and spoken forms of Indonesian, noticing that it uses the same alphabet as English but with some differences in pronunciation. They become familiar with a base word system with prefixes. Students are introduced to word order and simple sentence construction. They begin to develop a sound knowledge of vocabulary, particularly terms related to people, places...

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Indonesian: 7–10 Sequence Content Descriptions


  1. Interact with peers and teacher to exchange information and opinions about self, friends and family, pastimes, special occasions and the immediate environment (VCIDC086)
  2. Make plans and obtain goods or services in real or simulated situations, through corresponding and transacting with others using modelled texts (VCIDC087)
  3. Interact in class routines and exchanges by asking and responding to questions, following instructions, and seeking help and permission (VCIDC088)
  1. Identify gist and locate factual information (such as details about people and events) from a range of spoken and written texts, and use the information in new ways (VCIDC089)
  2. Present factual information and ideas about aspects of language and culture in oral, written and multimodal form (VCIDC090)
  1. Engage with imaginative texts such as cartoons, songs and stories, and respond by describing aspects such as characters, events and ideas (VCIDC091)
  2. Create individual and shared texts with imagined scenarios, characters and events, using modelled language (VCIDC092)
  1. Translate and interpret texts such as descriptions, emails, signs and notices, from Indonesian to English and vice versa, using contextual cues and textual features, and noticing non-equivalence of meaning (VCIDC093)
  2. Create bilingual texts such as signs, posters, games and descriptions for the classroom and the school community (VCIDC094)
  1. Interact with Indonesian peers and texts, noticing what and how language is being used, and considering own reactions and how these relate to own language and culture (VCIDC095)
  2. Participate in learning and using Indonesian, noticing how aspects of identity such as family background, age, school and interests impact on intercultural exchange (VCIDC096)


Systems of language
  1. Develop understanding of pronunciation related to single and combined sounds and the use of intonation in statements and questions, noticing Indonesian spelling and pronunciation conventions (VCIDU097)
  2. Develop knowledge of structures and vocabulary for describing people, places and things, such as pronouns, ber- and me- verbs, adjectives, prepositions and word order (VCIDU098)
  3. Recognise grammatical structures and features in a range of personal, informative and imaginative texts, and notice how these contribute to meaning (VCIDU099)
Language variation and change
  1. Understand that Indonesian, like all languages, varies according to participants, roles and relationships, situations and cultures (VCIDU100)
  2. Understand that Indonesian is a national language that has been and continues to be changed through interaction with other languages and cultures (VCIDU101)
Role of language and culture
  1. Notice connections between language and culture in intercultural language use, recognising how words and expressions may be culture-specific (VCIDU102)

Indonesian: 7–10 Sequence Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 8, students share factual information and opinions about their personal worlds, including personal details, family, pets, friends, pastimes, school and neighbourhood. They interact with others orally and in writing, asking and responding to questions using Siapa, Apakah, Berapa, Bagaimana, Apa, Di/Ke/Dari mana…?, and expressing preferences using saya suka, kurang/tidak suka, mau/tidak mau. They mostly use correct pronunciation of individual and combined sounds, and use formulaic expressions (for example, saya tidak tahu, maaf, saya tidak mengerti, sekali lagi) to sustain interactions. Students describe qualities of appearance, colour, character and condition (such as tinggi, merah muda, lucu, panas), and identify quantities using numbers and fractions. They respond to and create texts to describe real and imagined events and characters. Students use the features of a range of personal, informative and imaginative texts and modelled language to assist with structure, flow and coherence in their own speech and writing. They link ideas using conjunctions such as dan, tetapi, karena and untuk. They form sentences with subject-verb-object construction (Saya belajar...

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Indonesian: F–10 Sequence

Indonesian: F–10 Sequence Level Description

Students interact using Indonesian in classroom routines and communicative tasks. They respond to short texts in Indonesian, locating specific details and gist. Students extend the range and quality of their writing through increased vocabulary and grammar knowledge, and by drafting and editing their own work and that of their peers. They recognise text-type features and use models to create...

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Indonesian: F–10 Sequence Content Descriptions


  1. Engage with others to exchange ideas, experiences and interests (VCIDC052)
  2. Take action to make plans, solve problems and address needs such as through corresponding and transacting in real or simulated situations (VCIDC053)
  3. Interact with others by making requests, seeking clarification, checking understanding and expressing opinions (VCIDC054)
  1. Identify, summarise and evaluate factual information related to topics of interest such as leisure, food and diet, entertainment and special occasions (VCIDC055)
  2. Give presentations to describe, compare and report on experiences and topics of interest (VCIDC056)
  1. Respond to aspects of imaginative texts by expressing opinions and feelings about them and comparing these with imaginative texts in own language and culture (VCIDC057)
  2. Compose individual and shared texts about imagined people, places and experiences, in order to entertain others (VCIDC058)
  1. Translate and analyse a range of texts, comparing language choices and exploring differences in meanings (VCIDC059)
  2. Create bilingual texts in collaboration with others for the wider community (VCIDC060)
  1. Participate in intercultural interactions with peers, comparing aspects of culture, monitoring how own culture impacts on language use and how this may enhance or inhibit understanding (VCIDC061)
  2. Consider how own biography, including family origins, traditions and beliefs, impacts on identity and shapes own intercultural experiences (VCIDC062)


Systems of language
  1. Notice how stress works in polysyllabic words and the use of intonation in subject-focus sentences (VCIDU063)
  2. Develop knowledge of me- verb rules and how to link and extend ideas such as by using adverbs and cohesive devices (VCIDU064)
  3. Expand understanding of textual conventions, particularly related to social and informational media (VCIDU065)
Language variation and change
  1. Recognise that Indonesian has formal and informal forms and that their style and use depend on the context, purpose and audience (VCIDU066)
  2. Understand that Indonesian, like other languages, continues to change over time due to influences such as globalisation and technology (VCIDU067)
Role of language and culture
  1. Understand that language is not neutral and that its use reflects cultural ideas, assumptions and perspectives (VCIDU068)

Indonesian: F–10 Sequence Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 8, students use Indonesian to interact and exchange ideas, experiences and interests with teachers, peers and others. They pronounce polysyllabic words such as mendengarkan, pekerjaan and menyiapkan, stressing the penultimate syllable with some accuracy. When interacting, they ask questions (Apakah?, Di mana?, Kapan?, Berapa?), respond to questions (such as Setuju tidak? Benar/Salah, Kapan? Bagaimana? Mengapa?) and clarify their answers, for example, using karena…, supaya… Students give opinions (Pada pendapat saya…, saya kira…, setuju/tidak setuju), make comparisons (lebih… daripada…), and state preferences using saya lebih suka…, yang paling baik… They locate and evaluate factual information in texts, and create informative and imaginative texts (such as forms of correspondence, stories or reports) using models. They vary their sentence construction (for example, rambut saya hitam/Ibu berambut cokelat/Bapak mempunyai rambut pirang) to create interest for the audience. Students use cohesive devices such as time markers (Besok, sebelum), adverbs of frequency (biasanya, jarang, belum pernah) and conjunctions (lalu, untuk). They use a range of personal pronouns (d...

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