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Level 8


German: 7–10 Sequence

German: 7–10 Sequence Level Description

Students become familiar with the sounds of German, including pronunciation, rhythm, intonation and stress. They recognise similarities with many English words, noting differences in pronunciation (Computer, Buch, Auto). They approximate the pronunciation and phrasing of single words and short phrases, including distinctive sounds such as ch, r, th, u and z, diphthongs such as au, ei, eu and ie, a...

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German: 7–10 Sequence Content Descriptions


  1. Socialise and interact with teacher and peers to exchange greetings, good wishes, and factual information about self, family, home, school and interests, and express likes, dislikes and preferences (VCDEC001)
  2. Make plans and arrangements to carry out activities together and obtain goods or services, through transacting with others in simple and guided real or simulated situations (VCDEC002)
  3. Participate in classroom routines and exchanges by following instructions, asking and answering questions, apologising and making requests (VCDEC003)
  1. Identify topic, gist and specific points of information in a range of simple spoken and written texts relating to own world and that of other teenagers (VCDEC004)
  2. Present in modelled spoken and written texts information relating to own world and that of other teenagers (VCDEC005)
  1. Engage with imaginative and creative texts by identifying, describing and discussing key elements, including characters, events and ideas (VCDEC006)
  2. Reinterpret or adapt a familiar text and/or use a modelled structure and language to create simple and original imaginative texts (VCDEC007)
  1. Translate and interpret texts such as greetings, signs, emails and conversations, from German to English and vice versa, noticing similarities and differences (VCDEC008)
  2. Create and maintain individual and shared bilingual texts and resources such as signs, word lists, posters, games and photo stories (VCDEC009)
  1. Engage with German speakers and texts, noticing how interactions involve culture as well as language (VCDEC010)
  2. Reflect on experiences of learning and using another language, and share aspects of own identity, such as age, interests and family background, reflecting on how these impact on intercultural exchange (VCDEC011)


Systems of language
  1. Recognise and use key features of the German sound system, including pronunciation, rhythm, stress and intonation, and identify main similarities and differences between the phonological and orthographic systems of English and German (VCDEU012)
  2. Develop knowledge of elements of the German grammatical system, including gender and number, nominative and accusative cases, present tense of regular and some irregular verbs, personal pronouns, possessive adjectives and word order, to describe people, objects, actions, events and relationships (VCDEU013)
  3. Recognise and use structures and other textual features of common spoken, written and multimodal texts such as invitations, emails, surveys, advertisements and music video clips (VCDEU014)
Language variation and change
  1. Recognise some of the common variations in German as it is used in different contexts and locations by different people (VCDEU015)
  2. Recognise that German and English are related languages and that German is an important European and global language (VCDEU016)
Role of language and culture
  1. Understand that language use is shaped by and reflects the values, ideas and norms of a community (VCDEU017)

German: 7–10 Sequence Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 8, students share information about their personal worlds, including personal details, family, friends, interests, likes, dislikes and preferences. They interact with others to carry out transactions, participate in class routines and socialise. They use modelled language and simple expressions to ask and respond to familiar questions and give and respond to instructions, such as, Hört gut zu!; Hol’ einen Laptop!; Wer ist das?; Woher kommt dein Vater?; Hast du Geschwister?, request help or permission, for example, Ich möchte … , bitte.; Hilfe, bitte!; Darf ich bitte auf die Toilette gehen?, ask for information, clarification or assistance, such as, Wie bitte? Hast du mein Buch? Wie sagt man das auf Deutsch?, and clarify answers, for example, Das ist meine Freundin und sie kommt aus China. ... Ja, ich habe zwei Brüder, sie heißen Nick und Max.. When socialising, they make simple statements such as Ich mag Fuβball, aber Toms Lieblingssport ist Basketball. They use key features of pronunciation, stress and intonation, including short and long vowel sounds, single consonants, blends and diphthongs, in different words, phrases and sentences, such as,ja, rot, singen...

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German: F–10 Sequence

German: F–10 Sequence Level Description

Students gain more control of grammatical and textual elements such as the case system, prepositions and tenses, using the present perfect (Perfekt) tense of verbs conjugated with haben and sein and the simple past (Imperfekt) tenses. They use German with increasing accuracy and fluency, drafting and editing texts to improve structure and effect and to clarify meaning. Students analyse the relationship...

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German: F–10 Sequence Content Descriptions


  1. Initiate and participate in interactions with peers and adults to discuss and exchange views and experiences (VCDEC154)
  2. Engage in tasks and transactions that involve negotiation and problem-solving (VCDEC155)
  3. Interact in classroom activities and discussions through asking and responding to open-ended questions, giving opinions and making suggestions (VCDEC156)
  1. Access, summarise and analyse information and opinions from a range of sources relating to topical issues of shared interest (VCDEC157)
  2. Convey information and ideas on different topics, issues and events, describing and comparing views, perspectives and experiences, and using modes of presentation to suit different audiences (VCDEC158)
  1. Respond to a range of imaginative texts by expressing opinions and feelings about key ideas and making connections with personal experiences and other texts (VCDEC159)
  2. Create individual and shared texts about imagined people, places and experiences, to entertain others (VCDEC160)
  1. Interpret and/or translate for friends or visitors terms associated with German or own culture (VCDEC161)
  2. Create bilingual resources such as games, vocabulary cards, glossaries, word lists and labelled posters for language learning and the wider community (VCDEC162)
  1. Participate in intercultural experiences, demonstrating awareness of the importance of shared understanding, and reflecting on adjustments made as a result of reactions and responses (VCDEC163)
  2. Consider how personal experiences, family origins, traditions and beliefs impact on identity and shape intercultural experiences (VCDEC164)


Systems of language
  1. Recognise the pronunciation of loan words, and understand and apply knowledge of similarities and differences between German and English punctuation (VCDEU165)
  2. Extend knowledge of elements of the German grammatical system, including prepositions, reflexive verbs, adverbial phrases and subordinating conjunctions, to specify and describe people, objects and places, sequence events and qualify opinions (VCDEU166)
  3. Understand the structures and conventions associated with different types of personal, informative and persuasive texts such as emails, news items and advertisements (VCDEU167)
Language variation and change
  1. Identify features of German that vary according to audience, context and purpose in familiar spoken and written texts (VCDEU168)
  2. Understand that German, like other languages, continues to change over time due to influences such as globalisation and new technologies and knowledge (VCDEU169)
Role of language and culture
  1. Reflect on different aspects of the cultural dimension of learning and using German (VCDEU170)

German: F–10 Sequence Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 8, students use written and spoken German to interact with teachers, peers and others; to make decisions, solve problems and negotiate transactions; and to exchange and justify ideas, opinions and views. When interacting, they use both rehearsed and spontaneous language to ask and respond to open-ended questions and express, compare and justify opinions, for example, Sie glaubt, dass … Ich bin dafür, weil … They apply rules of pronunciation, rhythm, stress and intonation to a range of sentence types and words, including loan words from English. They obtain, summarise and evaluate information from a range of sources. They express opinions and feelings in response to imaginative texts, and make connections with their own experiences and other texts. They plan, draft and present original imaginative and informative texts, following models to link and sequence events and ideas using both adverbs such as danach, dann, früher, vorher and common subordinating conjunctions, for example, als, wenn, weil, dass. They use some modal verbs and imperative forms, for example, Was soll ich machen? Du kannst … Kauf die neue App! They refer to a person, object or place using...

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