Obtain and process specific information from multiple spoken sources, selecting and sequencing appropriate content for specific audiences
identifying specific information related to places, for example, listening to a weather forecast, recognising the names of familiar cities (such as 北京,上海), and recording the weather conditions and the temperature
using textual clues such as 听一听小明的一天 to predict possible content when listening to spoken texts, and preparing to hear key information such as time and activities
listening to and viewing a range of informative texts to identify key points, for example, answering questions from classmates about the procedure and main ingredients for cooking a Chinese dish from a cooking show
presenting a short talk using information gathered from multiple sources, for example, investigating 南京的天气 by interviewing the teacher and listening to a podcast of a weather forecast
supporting presentations with pictures, charts or graphs as appropriate, for example, using bar charts to show data on 澳大利亚的语言
VCZHC035 | Languages | Chinese | Second Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Levels 5 and 6 | Communicating | Informing