Develop knowledge of vocabulary and structure to extend meanings, such as complex verbs, affixation, a range of cohesive devices and object-focus construction
identifying people by pronouns or titles, for example, Kepala Sekolah, si (diminutive) and nicknames
describing the qualities of people using adjectives of character, for example, murah hati, bertanggung-jawab
indicating possibility, for example, mungkin, mudah-mudahan, semoga
specifying what is being referred to, for example, yang ini, yang itu
understanding embedded clauses using yang, for example, Saya belum berkenalan dengan murid yang baru datang dari Australia
indicating equivalence using adalah
indicating action using transitive verbs, me- verb system (-kan or -i suffix) and their object-focus di- forms
showing lack of purpose, for example, jalan-jalan, duduk-duduk, melihat-lihat
relating people and position using prepositions, for example, kepada
comparing things using comparatives and superlatives, for example, ter-, makin lama…, makin + adjective
seeking information using interrogatives and question forms, for example, mengapa, bagaimana, yang mana, untuk apa/siapa, dengan apa/siapa
requesting that others do something for own benefit (minta, harap, mohon, tolong); for others’ benefit (silakan)
excusing and apologising, for example, permisi dulu, minta maaf, maafkan saya
giving advice with suffix -lah, for example, beristirahatlah, tunggulah, nasehat saya, sebaiknya, seharusnya, jangan
showing empathy and well-wishing, for example, kasihan, harap cepat sembuh, semoga sukses
giving opinion, for example, saya berpendapat bahwa, saya percaya
contrasting two ideas using conjunctions, for example, namun, namun demikian, walaupun begitu, meskipun
referring to abstract ideas using affixation and nominalisation, for example, belajar/pelajar/pelajaran, kerja/mengerjakan/pekerjaan, sakit/penyakit/kesakitan
referring to events and time using frequency markers (for example, sering kali, sekali-sekali, belum pernah, hampir tidak pernah) and time indicators, for example, tadi malam, nanti, nanti sore, sekarang, pada masa depan, yang akan datang, waktu liburan yang lalu
referring back to something specific using tersebut
VCIDU115 | Languages | Indonesian | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10 | Understanding | Systems of language