Recognise and use vocabulary to describe familiar people, objects and places, and basic routines, including Sino- and pure Korean number words with basic counters, words for colours, names of sports
using number expressions with appropriate counters, for example, 한 개, 두 마리, 세 명, 아홉 살, 삼학년
using basic common action and descriptive verbs to describe their daily lives or preferences, for example, 가요, 일어나요, 들어요, 해요, 좋아요, 나빠요, 착해요
using vocabulary related to school (for example, 학교, 책, 지우개, 친구), home (for example, 집,가족, 엄마, 아빠), sports and leisure activities (for example, 방학, 수영, 캠핑)
using vocabulary to describe familiar objects or people, for example, 빨간색 가방
using some adverbs as part of formulaic language, for example, 지금/오늘/주말에 뭐 해요? 아주 잘 했어요
VCKOU147 | Languages | Korean | F–10 Sequence | Levels 3 and 4 | Understanding | Systems of language