recognise, represent and solve problems involving ratios
using diagrams, physical or virtual materials to represent ratios, recognising that ratios express the quantitative relationship between 2 or more groups; for example, using counters or coloured beads to show the ratios 1:4 and 1:1:2
using fractions to solve ratio problems involving comparison of quantities and considering part-part and part-whole relations; for example, dividing a set into the ratio 1:2 by determining the number of parts as 3
sharing quantities in a given ratio; for example, sharing an amount of money in a given ratio, such as sharing $20 in the ratio 2:3
applying ratios to realistic and meaningful contexts – for example, mixing 500 millilitres of a liquid with a concentration of 1:4 means 15 concentrate and 45 water so, 0.2 of 500 millilitres is concentrate and 0.8 of 500 millilitres is water – and interpreting results in context
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