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Content description VC2M7ST02

Mathematics Version 2.0 / Level 7 / Statistics
Content description
create different types of displays of numerical data, including dot plots and stem-and-leaf plots, using software where appropriate; describe and compare the distribution of data, commenting on the shape, centre and spread including outliers and determining the range, median, mean and mode
  1. using ordered stem-and-leaf plots to record and display numerical data collected in a class investigation, such as constructing a class plot of height in centimetres on a shared stem-and-leaf plot for which the stems 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 have been produced
  2. comparing variation in attributes by category using split stem-and-leaf plots or dot plots; interpreting the shape of the distribution using qualitative terms to describe ‘symmetry’, ‘skewness’ and ‘average’ in terms of the mean, median and mode, and the amount of variation based on qualitative descriptions of the spread of the data
  3. connecting features of the data display (for example, highest frequency, clusters, gaps, symmetry or skewness) to the mode, range and median, and the question in context; describing the shape of distributions using terms such as ‘positive skew’, ‘negative skew’, ‘symmetric’ and ‘bi-modal’ and discussing the location of the median and mean on these distributions
  4. using mean and median to compare data sets, identifying possible outliers and explaining how these may affect the comparison; recognising how different displays make specific information about data more evident, including proportions, and measures of mean, mode or median, spread and extreme values; understanding that the median and the mean will be the same or similar for symmetric distributions but different for distributions that are skewed
  5. comparing the mean and median of data with and without extremes; for example, estimation of standard measures for length or mass, informally considering for a given set of data what might constitute an unexpected, unusual or extreme data value
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