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Content description VCFRC095

French: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Present information and ideas relating to social worlds and natural environments in spoken, written and digital forms
  1. creating texts to share with a French-speaking audience such as a video or web page to capture and interpret aspects of their personal and social worlds, for example, ‘A day in our life in middle school’; les copains; mon quartier; le weekend
  2. creating resources such as posters, pamphlets, websites or journals to present topics related to lifestyles, events or causes, for example, Le Jour de la Terre, Le Clean-Up Day
  3. using different modes of presentation to profile significant events, characters or places related to French culture, history or environment
  4. describing aspects of their own lifestyles that may interest young learners of their own age in French-speaking environments, for example, surf lifesaving, school camps or excursions, music events
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