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Content description VCKOC154

Korean: F–10 Sequence / Levels 5 and 6 / Communicating / Socialising
Content description
Collaborate in group tasks and shared experiences that involve making collective arrangements, such as making decisions or suggestions in group games, or creating and performing a role- play that involves simple transactional exchanges
  1. making collaborative decisions and arrangements using Korean in traditional Korean games either in online or offline mode, for example, playing 윷놀이(yunnori) counting (하나, 둘, …), ordering (첫 번째, 두 번째, …), numbering (일, 이, 삼, …) and using other expressions in Korean to decide on the movement of markers
  2. creating and performing role-plays such as simulating simple transactions that involve asking for or giving prices or asking for goods or services, for example, 얼마예요?; 오천 원이에요; 아이스크림 한 개 주세요
  3. allocating and swapping roles in group games or simulated transactional exchanges
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