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Content description VCTRU046

Turkish: F–10 Sequence / Levels 5 and 6 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Understand the relationships between intonation and stress in Turkish, and apply this understanding to their own written and spoken language and meaning-making
  1. recognising differences in the pronunciation of long and short vowels with and without accent, and understanding that the length of a vowel and accent can change meaning, as in hala-hâlâ, and palatalise the previous consonant, as in kar-kâr
  2. understanding sound assimilation, for example, how in words ending in k, the k softens to become yumuşak g (soft g), ğ before suffixes starting with a vowel, for example, kulak – kulağıma, küçük-küçüğüm
  3. understanding how to use emphasis to enhance meaning, for example, using high-pitch tone and primary stress at the end of words, as in gel′dim ya!
  4. understanding how stress is usually placed on the last syllable in Turkish, except in the case of some question words, compounds and place names, such as ′Ankara, ′Türkiye but Bulgaris′tan, Gürcis′tan, ′hangi, ′niçin
  5. applying the principles of vowel harmony and sound assimilation of consonants and grammatical knowledge to the spelling and writing of unfamiliar words, for example, suffixes such as -, kapkaççı, bankacı, yolcu, oduncu, examples of sound assimilation, sokak+-da = sokakta, süt+-de = sütte, kebap+-cı = kebapçı, simit+-ci = simitçi
  6. noticing the pronunciation of loan words, including vowels and consonant clusters, for example, plaj, spor, tren
  7. recognising the effect of non-verbal language and tone in reinforcing meaning in spoken Turkish, for example, Buyrun! Vay be! Mahvoldum ya!, İnanmıyorum! Git yaa! Eeee, başka? Hadi be! Öf ya!
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