In Level C, the curriculum focuses on developing the skills to reason, problem solve and learn. Students become familiar with simple strategies to structure thinking and solve problems. Students explore how thinking can be made explicit.
Level description | Capabilities | Critical and Creative Thinking
In Level C, students explore dance. They learn about how dance can represent the world and they make dances to represent their ideas about the world. They share their dance with peers and experience dance as audiences.
Students become aware of their bodies and learn about the body bases, parts...
Level description | The Arts | Dance
In Level C students explore and investigate technologies, including its purpose and how technologies meet needs.
Students describe the characteristics and properties of familiar designed solutions from one of the technologies contexts:
Level description | Technologies | Design and Technologies
In Level C, students intentionally participate in learning experiences and respond more consistently to prompts and simple clear directions from the teacher to support them to learn. They will have opportunities to create a range of digital solutions through structured learning experiences and...
Level description | Technologies | Digital Technologies
In Level C, students explore drama. They learn about how drama can represent the world and that they can make drama to represent their ideas about the world. They share their drama with peers and experience drama as audiences.
Students become aware of role and situation as they listen and respond...
Level description | The Arts | Drama
In Level C, students communicate with known adults, teachers and peers. Students learn about social rules of communication and experience different ways to convey information to others. Students are provided with experiences that engage, support and extend their learning, including the use of...
Level description | English
The Level C curriculum focuses on local places I live in and developing student’s exploration and curiosity of personally significant places. Students will build on their knowledge of the local space around personal significant places. Students will draw on their own experience to help them understand...
Level description | The Humanities | Geography
The Level C curriculum provides the basis for developing knowledge, understanding and skills for students to lead healthy, safe and active lives. Students learn about their personal characteristics, abilities and simple actions they can take to keep themselves healthy and safe. Students are introduced...
Level description | Health and Physical Education
Personal and Recent Celebrations and History
The curriculum at Levels A to D provides a study of personal and family histories. Students learn about their own history and that of their family; this may include stories from different cultures and other parts of the world. As participants in their...
Level description | The Humanities | History
In Level C, students demonstrate awareness in practical situations, connecting objects, numbers names and numerals from one to three, using ‘one more than’ and ‘one less than’.
They match like objects, describe differences between objects for given attribute, show familiarity...
Level description | Mathematics
In Level C, students explore media arts. They explore and learn about how media artworks can represent elements of the world and that they can make media artworks to represent their ideas about the world. Students become aware of simple structure, character and settings as they explore ideas and...
Level description | The Arts | Media Arts
In Level C, students explore music. They listen to and explore sound and learn about how music can represent the world and that they can make music to represent their ideas. They share their music with peers and experience music as part of an audience.
Students learn to listen to music and explore...
Level description | The Arts | Music
In Level C, this curriculum focuses on enabling students to be socially active. Students are becoming peer focused and learning how to actively interact with peers. Students are learning to name and respond to emotions.
Students are learning about their personal preferences. They are learning...
Level description | Capabilities | Personal and Social Capability
In Level C, students intentionally participate in investigations that require them to explore, observe and identify properties of everyday objects, materials and living things. They explore change in the world around them, including changes that impact on them, for example the weather, and changes...
Level description | Science
In Level C, students explore visual arts. They explore and learn about how to make visual representations of their ideas, experiences, observations and imagination.
Students become aware of how artists, craftspeople and designers present their ideas. They learn how their ideas can be developed....
Level description | The Arts | Visual Arts