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Level 7

Level 7 Description

In Levels 7 and 8, students communicate with peers, teachers, individuals, groups and community members in a range of face-to-face and online/virtual environments. They experience learning in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts that relate to the school curriculum, local community, regional and global contexts.

Students engage with a variety of texts for enjoyment. They listen to, read, view...

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Level 7 Content Descriptions

Speaking and Listening

Language Elaborations
Language variation and change
  1. Understand the way language evolves to reflect a changing world, particularly in response to the use of new technology for presenting texts and communicating (VCELA391)
    1. exploring languages and dialects through building webcam relationships with schools across Australia and Asia
    2. investigating changes in word use and meaning over time and some of the reasons for these changes, for example the influence on spelling and vocabulary of new forms of communication like texting, emoticons and email
Language for interaction
  1. Understand how accents, styles of speech and idioms express and create personal and social identities (VCELA392)
    1. building a database of local idioms and their meanings, accents and styles of speech for different contexts, exploring the possibilities of these choices in drama and role play, and discussing their connection with personal and social identities
    2. developing dialogues authentic to characters in comics, cartoons and animations
Literature Elaborations
Literature and context
  1. Identify and explore ideas and viewpoints about events, issues and characters represented in texts drawn from different historical, social and cultural contexts (VCELT393)
    1. building knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to the history, culture, and literary heritage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
    2. identifying and explaining differences between points of view in texts, for example contrasting the city and the bush or different perspectives based on culture, gender or age
Responding to literature
  1. Reflect on ideas and opinions about characters, settings and events in literary texts, identifying areas of agreement and difference with others and justifying a point of view (VCELT394)
    1. exploring concepts about the criteria for heroism and testing these criteria in a range of texts, including more complex ones where the hero may be flawed
    2. establishing forums for discussing the relative merits of fiction and film texts
    3. comparing personal viewpoints on texts and justifying responses in actual and virtual discussions
Literacy Elaborations
Interacting with others
  1. Identify and discuss main ideas, concepts and points of view in spoken texts to evaluate qualities, using interaction skills when sharing interpretations or presenting ideas and information (VCELY395)
    1. identifying, discussing and interpreting ideas and concepts that other individuals and groups value
    2. identifying key evidence supporting an argument in a discussion between two speakers
  2. Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations, selecting and sequencing appropriate content and multimodal elements to promote a point of view or enable a new way of seeing, using body language, voice qualities and other elements to add interest and meaning (VCELY396)
    1. preparing a presentation combining print, visual and audio elements to explore and interpret ideas, drawing on knowledge and research about perspectives different from own

Level 7 Achievement Standard

Reading and Viewing

By the end of Level 7, students understand how text structures can influence the complexity of a text and are dependent on audience, purpose and context. They demonstrate understanding of how the choice of language features, images and vocabulary affects meaning. They explain issues and ideas from a variety of sources, analysing supporting evidence and implied meaning. They select specific details from texts to develop their own response, recognising that texts reflect different viewpoints.


Students understand how the selection of a variety of language features can influence an audience. They understand how to draw on personal knowledge, textual analysis and other sources to express or challenge a point of view. They create texts showing how language features, text structures, and images from other texts can be combined for effect. They create structured and coherent texts for a range of purposes and audiences. When creating and editing texts they demonstrate understanding of grammar, use a variety of more specialised vocabulary, use accurate spelling and punctuation.

Speaking and Listening

Students listen for and explain different perspectives in texts. They understand how the selection of a variety of language features can influence an audience. They understand how to draw on personal knowledge, textual analysis and other sources to express or challenge a point of view. They create texts showing how language features and images from other texts can be combined for effect. They create texts structured and coherent texts for a range purposes and audiences. They make presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, using language features to engage the audience.

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