interpret networks and network diagrams used to represent relationships in practical situations and describe connectedness
investigating how networks and network diagrams can be used to model authentic situations, recognising what real-world quantity is represented by the nodes (vertices), and what real-world quantity is represented by the links between them (edges)
investigating the use of graphs to represent a network, for example, investigating the Seven Bridges of Königsberg problem
investigating how polyhedrons may be represented as a network using edges, vertices, and interior and exterior faces; and representing the number of edges, vertices and faces in a table, exploring and demonstrating how Euler’s formula F + V = E + 2 applies
investigating how a social network, intranet, local area network (LAN), electrical wiring or wireless network of a home can be represented as a network diagram to specify relationships; for example, using network diagrams to investigate practical problems involving connections, power overload or the need for routers
investigating the use of networks to represent authentic situations, for example, rail or air travel between or within London, Paris and Hong Kong; a food web representing a simple ecosystem; metabolic networks and other chemical or biological structures
representing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ kinship systems using network diagrams and exploring the significance of relationships to Country/Place
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