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Civics and Citizenship

Civics and Citizenship Level Description

The Level 5 and 6 curriculum introduces students to the key values of Australia’s liberal democratic system of government and the key institutions of Australia’s democratic government, including state/territory and federal parliaments, and the court system. Students learn about representative democracy and voting processes in Australia. Students expand on their knowledge of the law...

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Civics and Citizenship Content Descriptions

Government and Democracy

  1. Discuss the values, principles and institutions that underpin Australia’s democratic forms of government and explain how this system is influenced by the Westminster system (VCCCG008)
  2. Describe the roles and responsibilities of the three levels of government, including shared roles and responsibilities within Australia's federal system (VCCCG009)
  3. Identify and discuss the key features of the Australian electoral process (VCCCG010)
  4. Identify the roles and responsibilities of electors and representatives in Australia's democracy (VCCCG011)

Laws and Citizens

  1. Explain how state/territory and federal laws are initiated and passed through parliament (VCCCL012)
  2. Explain how and why laws are enforced and describe the roles and responsibilities of key personnel in law enforcement, and in the legal system (VCCCL013)

Citizenship, Diversity and Identity

  1. Identify who can be an Australian citizen and describe the rights, responsibilities and shared values of Australian citizenship and explore ways citizens can participate in society (VCCCC014)
  2. Identify different points of view on a contemporary issue relating to democracy and citizenship (VCCCC015)
  3. Investigate how people with shared beliefs and values work together to achieve their goals and plan for action (VCCCC016)
  4. Examine the concept of global citizenship (VCCCC017)

Civics and Citizenship Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students identify the values that underpin Australia’s democracy and explain the importance of the electoral process. They describe the purpose of key institutions and levels of government in Australia’s democracy. They explain the role of different people in Australia’s legal system and the role of parliaments in creating law. They identify various ways people can participate effectively in groups to achieve shared goals. Students explain what it means to be an Australian citizen and how people can participate as global citizens. They analyse contemporary issues and use evidence to support a point of view about civics and citizenship issues. They identify possible solutions to an issue as part of a plan for action.

Critical and Creative Thinking

Critical and Creative Thinking Level Description

In Levels 5 and 6, the curriculum focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and understanding to test the strength of thinking. Students develop their capacity to deliberately manage their thinking. Students explore common errors that can occur in thinking.

Critical and Creative Thinking Content Descriptions

Questions and Possibilities

  1. Examine how different kinds of questions can be used to identify and clarify information, ideas and possibilities (VCCCTQ021)
  2. Experiment with alternative ideas and actions by setting preconceptions to one side (VCCCTQ022)
  3. Identify and form links and patterns from multiple information sources to generate non-routine ideas and possibilities (VCCCTQ023)


  1. Investigate common reasoning errors including contradiction and inconsistency, and the influence of context (VCCCTR024)
  2. Consider the importance of giving reasons and evidence and how the strength of these can be evaluated (VCCCTR025)
  3. Consider when analogies might be used in expressing a point of view and how they should be expressed and evaluated (VCCCTR026)
  4. Examine the difference between valid and sound arguments and between inductive and deductive reasoning, and their degrees of certainty (VCCCTR027)
  5. Explore what a criterion is, different kinds of criteria, and how to select appropriate criteria for the purposes of filtering information and ideas (VCCCTR028)


  1. Investigate thinking processes using visual models and language strategies (VCCCTM029)
  2. Examine learning strategies, including constructing analogies, visualising ideas, summarising and paraphrasing information and reflect on the application of these strategies in different situations (VCCCTM030)
  3. Investigate how ideas and problems can be disaggregated into smaller elements or ideas, how criteria can be used to identify gaps in existing knowledge, and assess and test ideas and proposals (VCCCTM031)

Critical and Creative Thinking Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students apply questioning as a tool to focus or expand thinking. They use appropriate techniques to copy, borrow and compare aspects of existing solutions in order to identify relationships and apply these to new situations.

Students distinguish between valid and sound arguments and between deductive and inductive reasoning. They explain how reasons and evidence can be evaluated. They explain and apply basic techniques to construct valid arguments and test the strength of arguments.

Students represent thinking processes using visual models and language. They practice and apply learning strategies, including constructing analogies, visualising ideas, summarising and paraphrasing information. Students disaggregate ideas and problems into smaller elements or ideas, develop criteria to assess and test thinking, and identify and seek out new relevant information as required.


Dance Level Description

In Levels 5 and 6, students are making and responding to dance independently and collaboratively with their peers, teachers and communities.

Students further develop their awareness of the body, their control and accuracy of body actions and their understanding of safe dance practice. They extend their ability to manipulate the elements of dance and use compositional devices to create more complex movements.

As they make and respond to dance as artists and audiences, students develop their awareness of how dance can communicate ideas about the past, present and future, about different environments, and cultural contexts.

Dance Content Descriptions

Explore and Express Ideas

  1. Explore movement possibilities and choreographic devices using safe dance practice and the elements of dance to create movement ideas, sequences, and phrases (VCADAE029)

Dance Practices

  1. Develop technical and expressive skills in fundamental movements and body actions and use choreographic devices to create dance sequences (VCADAD030)

Present and Perform

  1. Perform dance with technical competence, using expressive skills to communicate a choreographer’s ideas (VCADAP031)

Respond and Interpret

  1. Explain how the elements of dance and production elements communicate ideas in dances from different contexts they make, perform and view, including in dances by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (VCADAR032)

Dance Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students structure movements in dance sequences and use elements of dance and choreographic devices to make dances that communicate ideas and intentions. They perform dances for audiences, demonstrating technical and expressive skills and safe dance practice.

Students explain how the elements of dance, choreographic devices and production elements communicate ideas and intentions in dances they make, perform and view. They describe characteristics of dances from different social, historical and cultural contexts and discuss how these influence their dance making.

Design and Technologies

Design and Technologies Level Description

In Levels 5 and 6, students critically examine technologies that are used regularly in the home and in local, national, regional or global communities, with consideration of society, ethics and social and environmental sustainability factors. Students consider why and for whom technologies were developed.

Students engage with ideas beyond the familiar, exploring how design and technologies and...

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Design and Technologies Content Descriptions

Technologies and Society

  1. Investigate how people in design and technologies occupations address competing considerations, including sustainability, in the design of solutions for current and future use (VCDSTS033)

Technologies Contexts

Engineering principles and systems
  1. Investigate how forces or electrical energy can control movement, sound or light in a designed product or system (VCDSTC034)
Food and fibre production
  1. Investigate how and why food and fibre are produced in managed environments (VCDSTC035)
Food specialisations
  1. Investigate the role of food preparation in maintaining good health and the importance of food safety and hygiene (VCDSTC036)
Materials and technologies specialisations
  1. Investigate characteristics and properties of a range of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment and evaluate the impact of their use (VCDSTC037)

Creating Designed Solutions

  1. Critique needs or opportunities for designing, and investigate materials, components, tools, equipment and processes to achieve intended designed solutions (VCDSCD038)
  1. Generate, develop, communicate and document design ideas and processes for audiences using appropriate technical terms and graphical representation techniques (VCDSCD039)
  1. Apply safe procedures when using a variety of materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques to produce designed solutions (VCDSCD040)
  1. Negotiate criteria for success that include consideration of environmental and social sustainability to evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions (VCDSCD041)
Planning and managing
  1. Develop project plans that include consideration of resources when making designed solutions (VCDSCD042)

Design and Technologies Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6 students describe some competing considerations in the design of solutions taking into account sustainability. They describe how design and technologies contribute to meeting present and future needs. Students explain how the features of technologies impact on designed solutions for each of the prescribed technologies contexts.

Students create designed solutions for each of the prescribed technologies contexts, suitable for identified needs or opportunities. They suggest criteria for success, including sustainability considerations and use these to evaluate their ideas and designed solutions. They combine design ideas and communicate these to audiences using graphical representation techniques and technical terms. Students record project plans including production processes. They select and use appropriate technologies and techniques correctly and safely to produce designed solutions.

Digital Technologies

Digital Technologies Level Description

In Levels 5 and 6, students develop an understanding of the role individual components of digital systems play in the processing and representation of data. They acquire, validate, interpret, track and manage various types of data and are introduced to the concept of data states in digital systems and how data are transferred between systems.

They learn to develop abstractions further by identifying...

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Digital Technologies Content Descriptions

Digital Systems

  1. Examine the main components of common digital systems, and how such digital systems may connect together to form networks to transmit data (VCDTDS026)

Data and Information

  1. Examine how whole numbers are used as the basis for representing all types of data in digital systems (VCDTDI027)
  2. Acquire, store and validate different types of data and use a range of software to interpret and visualise data to create information (VCDTDI028)
  3. Plan, create and communicate ideas, information and online collaborative projects, applying agreed ethical, social and technical protocols (VCDTDI029)

Creating Digital Solutions

  1. Define problems in terms of data and functional requirements, drawing on previously solved problems to identify similarities (VCDTCD030)
  2. Design a user interface for a digital system, generating and considering alternative design ideas (VCDTCD031)
  3. Design, modify and follow simple algorithms represented diagrammatically and in English, involving sequences of steps, branching, and iteration (VCDTCD032)
  4. Develop digital solutions as simple visual programs (VCDTCD033)
  5. Explain how student-developed solutions and existing information systems meet current and future community and sustainability needs (VCDTCD034)

Digital Technologies Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students explain the functions of digital system components and how digital systems are connected to form networks that transmit data.

Students explain how digital systems use whole numbers as a basis for representing a variety of data types. They manage the creation and communication of ideas, information and digital projects collaboratively using validated data and agreed protocols.

Students define problems in terms of data and functional requirements and design solutions by developing algorithms to address the problems. They incorporate decision-making, repetition and user interface design into their designs and develop their digital solutions, including a visual program. Students explain how information systems and their developed solutions meet current and future needs taking sustainability into account.


Drama Level Description

In Levels 5 and 6, students continue to make, perform view devised and scripted drama, independently and collaboratively with their peers, teachers and communities.

Students develop character through voice and movement and extend their understanding and use of situation, focus, tension, space and time. They explore language and ideas to create dramatic action and consider mood and atmosphere...

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Drama Content Descriptions

Explore and Express Ideas

  1. Explore dramatic action, empathy and space in improvisations, play-building and scripted drama, to develop characters and situations (VCADRE029)

Drama Practices

  1. Develop skills and techniques of voice and movement to create character, mood and atmosphere and focus dramatic action (VCADRD030)

Present and Perform

  1. Perform devised and scripted drama that develops narrative and uses performance styles and design elements to engage an audience (VCADRP031)

Respond and Interpret

  1. Explain how the elements of drama and production elements communicate meaning by comparing drama from different social, cultural and historical contexts, including in the drama of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (VCADRR032)

Drama Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students use the elements of drama to shape character, voice and movement in improvisation, play-building and performances of devised and scripted drama for audiences.

Students explain how dramatic action and meaning is communicated in drama they make, perform and view. They explain how drama from different cultures, times and places influences their own drama making.

Economics and Business

Economics and Business Level Description

In Levels 5 and 6, students explore the importance of economic and financial decision-making in everyday life. They consider the concept of opportunity cost and examine why decisions about the ways resources are allocated to meet needs and wants in their community involve trade-offs.

Students examine the choices made by consumers and businesses arising from the concept of scarcity. The limited...

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Economics and Business Content Descriptions

Resource Allocation and Making Choices

  1. Describe the difference between needs and wants and explain why choices need to be made (VCEBR001)
  2. Explore the concept of opportunity cost and explain how it involves choices about the alternative use of limited resources and the need to consider trade-offs (VCEBR002)
  3. Identify types of resources (natural, human, capital) and explore the ways societies use them in order to satisfy the needs and wants of present and future generations (VCEBR003)

Consumer and Financial Literacy

  1. Identify influences on consumer choices and explore strategies that can be used to help make informed personal consumer and financial choices (VCEBC004)
  2. Consider the effect that the consumer and financial decisions of individuals may have on themselves, their family, the broader community and the natural, economic and business environment (VCEBC005)

The Business Environment

  1. Identify the reasons businesses exist and investigate the different ways they produce and distribute goods and services (VCEBB006)

Work and Work Futures

  1. Explore the nature and meaning of work and why individuals choose to participate in work (VCEBW007)
  2. Investigate the influences on the ways people work and explore factors affecting work now and into the future (VCEBW008)

Enterprising Behaviours and Capabilities

  1. Investigate the nature and explain the importance of enterprising behaviours and capabilities (VCEBN009)

Economic and Business Reasoning and Interpretation

  1. Make decisions, identify appropriate actions by considering the advantages and disadvantages, and form conclusions concerning an economics or business issue or event (VCEBE010)

Economics and Business Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students distinguish between needs and wants and recognise that choices need to be made when allocating resources. They recognise that consumer choices and financial decisions are influenced by a range of factors and describe the effects of these choices and decisions on themselves, their family, others, the economy and the natural, economic and business environments. Students identify strategies that will assist in making informed consumer and financial decisions. They explain the purpose of business and recognise the different ways that businesses choose to provide goods and services. Students outline the many reasons why people work and describe the changing nature of work. They describe the nature of enterprising behaviours and capabilities and explain why these behaviours are important for individuals and businesses. Students outline the advantages and disadvantages of proposed actions in response to an economics and/or business issue or event and identify the possible effects of their decisions on themselves and others.


English Level Description

In Levels 5 and 6, students communicate with peers and teachers from other classes and schools, community members, and individuals and groups, in a range of face-to-face and online/virtual environments.

Students engage with a variety of texts for enjoyment. They listen to, read, view, interpret and evaluate spoken, written and multimodal texts in which the primary purpose is aesthetic, as well...

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English Content Descriptions

Reading and Viewing

Text structure and organisation
  1. Understand how texts vary in purpose, structure and topic as well as the degree of formality (VCELA309)
  2. Investigate how the organisation of texts into chapters, headings, subheadings, home pages and sub pages for online texts and according to chronology or topic can be used to predict content and assist navigation (VCELA310)
Expressing and developing ideas
  1. Explain sequences of images in print texts and compare these to the ways hyperlinked digital texts are organised, explaining their effect on viewers’ interpretations (VCELA311)
Phonics and word knowledge
  1. Understand how to use banks of known words, syllabification, spelling patterns, word origins, base words, prefixes and suffixes, to spell new words, including some uncommon plurals (VCELA312)
Literature and context
  1. Identify aspects of literary texts that convey details or information about particular social, cultural and historical contexts (VCELT313)
Responding to literature
  1. Use metalanguage to describe the effects of ideas, text structures and language features on particular audiences (VCELT314)
Examining literature
  1. Recognise that ideas in literary texts can be conveyed from different viewpoints, which can lead to different kinds of interpretations and responses (VCELT315)
  2. Understand, interpret and experiment with sound devices and imagery, including simile, metaphor and personification, in narratives, shape poetry, songs, anthems and odes (VCELT316)
Texts in context
  1. Show how ideas and points of view in texts are conveyed through the use of vocabulary, including idiomatic expressions, objective and subjective language, and that these can change according to context (VCELY317)
Interpreting, analysing, evaluating
  1. Navigate and read imaginative, informative and persuasive texts by interpreting structural features, including tables of content, glossaries, chapters, headings and subheadings and applying appropriate text processing strategies, including monitoring meaning, skimming and scanning (VCELY318)
  2. Use comprehension strategies to analyse information, integrating and linking ideas from a variety of print and digital sources (VCELY319)
  3. Analyse the text structures and language features used in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts to meet the purpose of the text (VCELY320)


Text structure and organisation
  1. Understand that the starting point of a sentence gives prominence to the message in the text and allows for prediction of how the text will unfold (VCELA321)
  2. Understand how the grammatical category of possessives is signalled through apostrophes and how to use apostrophes with common and proper nouns (VCELA322)
Expressing and developing ideas
  1. Understand the difference between main and subordinate clauses and that a complex sentence involves at least one subordinate clause (VCELA323)
  2. Understand how noun groups/phrases and adjective groups/phrases can be expanded in a variety of ways to provide a fuller description of the person, place, thing or idea (VCELA324)
  3. Understand the use of vocabulary to express greater precision of meaning, and know that words can have different meanings in different contexts (VCELA325)
Phonics and word knowledge
  1. Recognise and write less familiar words that share common letter patterns but have different pronunciations (VCELA326)
Creating literature
  1. Create literary texts that experiment with structures, ideas and stylistic features of selected authors (VCELT327)
  2. Create literary texts using realistic and fantasy settings and characters that draw on the worlds represented in texts students have experienced (VCELT328)
Creating texts
  1. Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive print and multimodal texts, choosing text structures, language features, images and sound appropriate to purpose and audience (VCELY329)
  2. Reread and edit own and others’ work using agreed criteria for text structures and language features (VCELY330)
  3. Develop a handwriting style that is becoming legible, fluent and automatic (VCELY331)
  4. Use a range of software including word processing programs to construct, edit and publish written text, and select, edit and place visual, print and audio elements (VCELY332)

Speaking and Listening

Language variation and change
  1. Understand that the pronunciation, spelling and meanings of words have histories and change over time (VCELA333)
Language for interaction
  1. Understand that patterns of language interaction vary across social contexts and types of texts and that they help to signal social roles and relationships (VCELA334)
  2. Understand how to move beyond making bare assertions and take account of differing perspectives and points of view (VCELA335)
Responding to literature
  1. Present a point of view about particular literary texts using appropriate metalanguage, and reflecting on the viewpoints of others (VCELT336)
Interacting with others
  1. Clarify understanding of content as it unfolds in formal and informal situations, connecting ideas to students’ own experiences, and present and justify a point of view or recount an experience using interaction skills (VCELY337)
  2. Participate in informal debates and plan, rehearse and deliver presentations for defined audiences and purposes incorporating accurate and sequenced content and multimodal elements (VCELY338)

English Achievement Standard

Reading and Viewing

By the end of Level 5, students explain how text structures assist in understanding the text. They understand how language features, images and vocabulary influence interpretations of characters, settings and events. They analyse and explain literal and implied information from a variety of texts. They describe how events, characters and settings in texts are depicted and explain their own responses to them. When reading, they confidently encounter and can decode less familiar words.


Students use language features to show how ideas can be extended. They develop and explain a point of view about a text. They create imaginative, informative and persuasive texts for different purposes and audiences. When writing, they demonstrate understanding of grammar and sentence types, and they select specific vocabulary and use accurate spelling and punctuation. They edit their work for cohesive structure and meaning.

Speaking and Listening

Students listen and ask questions to clarify content. They use language features to show how ideas can be extended. They develop and explain a point of view about a text selecting information, ideas and images from a range of resources. They create a variety of sequenced texts for different purposes and audiences. They make presentations for defined purposed using multimodal elements, and contribute actively to class and group discussions, taking into account other perspectives.

Ethical Capability

Ethical Capability Level Description

In Levels 5 and 6, the curriculum focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and understandings to evaluate the significance of ethical matters. Students explore the basis of a range of ethical principles and reflect on means and ends. Students consider decision-making approaches based on thinking about the consequences and duties. Students develop an understanding that a range of factors play a role in ethical decision-making.

Ethical Capability Content Descriptions

Understanding Concepts

  1. Examine the contested meaning of concepts including truth and happiness and the extent to which these concepts are and should be valued (VCECU009)
  2. Discuss how ethical principles can be used as the basis for action, considering the influence of cultural norms, religion, world views and philosophical thought on these principles (VCECU010)
  3. Examine how problems may contain more than one ethical issue (VCECU011)

Decision Making and Actions

  1. Explore the significance of ‘means versus ends’ by considering two ways to act when presented with a problem: one that privileges means and one ends (VCECD012)
  2. Discuss the role and significance of conscience and reasoning in ethical decision-making (VCECD013)

Ethical Capability Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students evaluate the meaning of ethical concepts and analyse their value, identifying areas of contestability. They explain different ways to respond to ethical problems and identify issues related to these.

Students identify different ethical issues associated with a particular problem. They identify the basis of a range of ethical principles and explain the role and significance of conscience and reasoning in ethical decision-making.


Geography Level Description

In Levels 5 and 6, the curriculum focuses on the concepts of place and interconnection. Students’ mental maps of the world are further developed through learning the locations of the major countries in the Asia region, Europe and North America. The scale of study goes global as students investigate the geographical diversity and variety of connections between people and places.

In exploring...

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Geography Content Descriptions

Geographical Concepts and Skills

Place, space and interconnection
  1. Describe and explain the diverse characteristics of places in different locations from local to global scales (VCGGC085)
  2. Identify and describe locations and describe and explain spatial distributions and patterns (VCGGC086)
  3. Describe and explain interconnections within places and between places, and the effects of these interconnections (VCGGC087)
Data and information
  1. Collect and record relevant geographical data and information from the field and secondary sources, using ethical protocols (VCGGC088)
  2. Represent the location of places and other types of geographical data and information in different forms including diagrams, field sketches and large-scale and small-scale maps that conform to cartographic conventions of border, scale, legend, title, north point and source; using digital and spatial technologies as appropriate (VCGGC089)
  3. Interpret maps and other geographical data and information using digital and spatial technologies as appropriate, to develop identifications, descriptions, explanations and conclusions that use geographical terminology (VCGGC090)

Geographical Knowledge

Factors that shape places and influence interconnections
  1. Location of the major countries of Europe and North America, in relation to Australia and their major characteristics including the influence of people on the environmental characteristics of places in at least two countries from both continents (VCGGK091)
  2. Location of the major countries of the Asian region in relation to Australia and the geographical diversity within the region (VCGGK092)
  3. Differences in the demographic, economic, social and cultural characteristics of countries across the world (VCGGK093)
  4. Influence of people, including the influence of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, on the environmental characteristics of Australian places (VCGGK094)
  5. Impacts of bushfires or floods on environments and communities, and how people can respond (VCGGK095)
  6. Environmental and human influences on the location and characteristics of places and the management of spaces within them (VCGGK096)
  7. Factors that influence people’s awareness and opinion of places (VCGGK097)
  8. Australia’s connections with other countries and how these change people and places (VCGGK098)

Geography Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students describe and explain spatial characteristics and characteristics of places from local to global scales. They describe and explain interconnections and their effects. They identify and describe locations including the major countries of Europe, North America and Asia.

They identify and compare responses to a geographical challenge, describing the expected effects on different groups.

They ethically collect and record relevant geographical data and information and represent data and information in forms including diagrams, field sketches and large scale and small scale maps that conform to cartographic conventions.

They interpret geographical data and information, and use geographical terminology, to identify and develop descriptions, explanations and conclusions. They use digital and spatial technologies to represent and interpret data and information.


Health and Physical Education

Health and Physical Education Level Description

The Levels 5 and 6 curriculum supports students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills to create opportunities and take action to enhance their own and others' health, wellbeing, safety and physical activity participation. Students develop skills to manage their emotions, understand the physical and social changes that are occurring for them and examine how the nature of their relationships...

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Health and Physical Education Content Descriptions

Personal, Social and Community Health

Being healthy, safe and active
  1. Explore how identities are influenced by people and places (VCHPEP105)
  2. Investigate resources to manage changes and transitions associated with puberty (VCHPEP106)
  3. Investigate community resources and strategies to seek help about health, safety and wellbeing (VCHPEP107)
  4. Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (VCHPEP108)
Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing
  1. Practise skills to establish and manage relationships (VCHPEP109)
  2. Examine the influence of emotional responses on behaviour, relationships and health and wellbeing (VCHPEP110)
  3. Recognise how media and important people in the community influence personal attitudes, beliefs, decisions and behaviours (VCHPEP111)
Contributing to healthy and active communities
  1. Investigate the role of preventive health in promoting and maintaining health, safety and wellbeing for individuals and their communities (VCHPEP112)
  2. Explore how participation in outdoor activities supports personal and community health and wellbeing and creates connections to the natural and built environment (VCHPEP113)
  3. Investigate how celebrating similarities and differences can strengthen communities (VCHPEP114)

Movement and Physical Activity

Moving the body
  1. Practise specialised movement skills and apply them in different movement situations in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings (VCHPEM115)
  2. Design and perform a variety of movement sequences (VCHPEM116)
  3. Propose and apply movement concepts and strategies (VCHPEM117)
Understanding movement
  1. Participate in physical activities designed to enhance fitness, and discuss the impact of regular participation on health and wellbeing (VCHPEM118)
  2. Manipulate and modify the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people to perform movement sequences (VCHPEM119)
Learning through movement
  1. Participate positively in groups and teams by encouraging others and negotiating roles and responsibilities (VCHPEM120)
  2. Apply critical and creative thinking processes in order to generate and assess solutions to movement challenges (VCHPEM121)
  3. Demonstrate ethical behaviour and fair play that aligns with the rules when participating in a range of physical activities (VCHPEM122)

Health and Physical Education Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students investigate developmental changes and transitions. They understand the influences people and places have on personal identities. They recognise the influence of emotions on behaviours and discuss factors that influence how people interact. They describe their own and others’ contributions to health, physical activity, safety and wellbeing. They describe the key features of health-related fitness and the significance of physical activity participation to health and wellbeing. They examine how community wellbeing is supported by celebrating diversity and connecting to the natural and built environment.

Students demonstrate skills to work collaboratively and play fairly. They access and interpret health information. They explain and apply strategies to enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing at home, at school and in the community. They perform specialised movement skills and propose and combine movement concepts and strategies to achieve movement outcomes and solve movement challenges. They apply the elements of movement when composing and creating movement sequences.


History Level Description

From Colony to Nation

In Levels 5 and 6, students study colonial Australia in the 1800s and the development of Australia as a nation, particularly after 1900. Students look at the founding of British colonies and the development of a colony. They learn about what life was like for different groups of people in the colonial period. They examine significant events and people, political and economic...

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History Content Descriptions

Historical Concepts and Skills

  1. Sequence significant events and lifetimes of people in chronological order to create a narrative to explain the developments in Australia’s colonial past and the causes and effects of Federation on its people (VCHHC082)
Historical sources as evidence
  1. Identify the origin, content features and the purpose of historical sources and describe the context of these sources when explaining daily life in colonial Australia, reasons for migration and causes and effects of Federation (VCHHC083)
  2. Describe perspectives and identify ideas, beliefs and values of people and groups in the past (VCHHC084)
Continuity and change
  1. Identify and describe patterns of continuity and change in daily life for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, ‘native born’ and migrants in the Australian colonies (VCHHC085)
Cause and effect
  1. Explain the causes of significant events that shaped the Australian colonies, contributed to Australian Federation and the effects of these on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and migrants (VCHHC086)
Historical significance
  1. Explain the significance of an event and an individual or group that influenced change in the Australian colonies and in Australian society since Federation (VCHHC087)

Historical Knowledge

The Australian colonies
  1. The social, economic and political causes and reasons for the establishment of British colonies in Australia after 1800 (VCHHK088)
  2. The nature of convict or colonial presence, including the factors that influenced changing patterns of development, how the environment changed, and aspects of the daily life of the inhabitants, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (VCHHK089)
  3. The effects of a significant development or event on a colony (VCHHK090)
  4. The causes and the reasons why people migrated to Australia from Europe and Asia, and the perspectives, experiences and contributions of a particular migrant group within a colony (VCHHK091)
  5. The role that a significant individual or group played in shaping and changing a colony (VCHHK092)
Australia as a nation
  1. The significance of key figures and events that led to Australia’s Federation, including British and American influences on Australia’s system of law and government (VCHHK093)
  2. The different experiences and perspectives of Australian democracy and citizenship, including the status and rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, migrants, women, and children (VCHHK094)
  3. The stories and perspectives of people who migrated to Australia, including from one Asian country, and the reasons they migrated (VCHHK095)
  4. Significant contributions of individuals and groups, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and migrants, to changing Australian society (VCHHK096)

History Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students identify and describe change and continuity and explain the causes and effects of change on society. They compare the different experiences and perspectives of people in the past. They explain the significance of an individual and group.

Students sequence events and people (their lifetime) in chronological order, and represent time by creating timelines. They identify a range of sources and locate and compare information about the origin, content features and the purpose of historical sources. Students describe the historical context of these sources to describe perspectives of people from the past and recognise different points of view. Students develop texts, particularly narratives and descriptions of continuity and change. In developing these texts and organising and presenting their information, students create an explanation about a past event, person or group using sources of evidence and historical terms and concepts.

Intercultural Capability

Intercultural Capability Level Description

In Levels 5 and 6, the curriculum focus is on developing the knowledge, skills and understandings to enable students to learn about diverse cultural practices and beliefs and how they compare with their own. This includes religious beliefs, traditional celebrations, family relationships, gender roles, daily routines, leisure activities and language.

The curriculum provides the opportunity for students to explore aspects of their life that are culturally determined. Students further develop their awareness of cultural diversity and reflect on intercultural experiences and how this influences their own personal attitudes and beliefs.

Intercultural Capability Content Descriptions

Cultural Practices

  1. Analyse how aspects of their own and others lifestyle, behaviour, attitudes and beliefs can be culturally influenced (VCICCB009)
  2. Explain how intercultural experiences can influence beliefs and behaviours, including developing a critical perspective on and respect for their own and others cultures (VCICCB010)

Cultural Diversity

  1. Identify barriers to and means of reaching understandings within and between culturally diverse groups (VCICCD011)
  2. Examine and discuss the variety of ways in which people understand and appreciate differing cultural values and perspectives, and the things which promote or inhibit effective engagement with diverse cultural groups (VCICCD012)

Intercultural Capability Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students demonstrate an understanding of how beliefs and practices can be influenced by culture and explain how intercultural experiences can influence beliefs and behaviours.

Students identify the barriers to and means of reaching understandings within and between culturally diverse groups and the ways in which effective engagement with those groups is promoted or inhibited.





Mathematics Level Description

In Level 5, students extend decimal fractions to thousandths, and explore the ideas of factors, multiples and divisibility.

Students use estimation and rounding for all four operations, with and without the use of technology for calculation. They solve multiple digit problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division by single digit divisors with remainders. Students represent...

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Mathematics Content Descriptions

Number and Algebra

Number and place value
  1. Identify and describe factors and multiples of whole numbers and use them to solve problems (VCMNA181)
  2. Use estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of answers to calculations (VCMNA182)
  3. Solve problems involving multiplication of large numbers by one- or two-digit numbers using efficient mental, written strategies and appropriate digital technologies (VCMNA183)
  4. Solve problems involving division by a one digit number, including those that result in a remainder (VCMNA184)
  5. Use efficient mental and written strategies and apply appropriate digital technologies to solve problems (VCMNA185)
  6. Recognise, represent and order numbers to at least hundreds of thousands (VCMNA186)
Fractions and decimals
  1. Compare and order common unit fractions and locate and represent them on a number line (VCMNA187)
  2. Investigate strategies to solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator (VCMNA188)
  3. Recognise that the place value system can be extended beyond hundredths (VCMNA189)
  4. Compare, order and represent decimals (VCMNA190)
Money and financial mathematics
  1. Create simple financial plans (VCMNA191)
Patterns and algebra
  1. Describe, continue and create patterns with fractions, decimals and whole numbers resulting from addition and subtraction (VCMNA192)
  2. Use equivalent number sentences involving multiplication and division to find unknown quantities (VCMNA193)
  3. Follow a mathematical algorithm involving branching and repetition (iteration) (VCMNA194)

Measurement and Geometry

Using units of measurement
  1. Choose appropriate units of measurement for length, area, volume, capacity and mass (VCMMG195)
  2. Calculate the perimeter and area of rectangles and the volume and capacity of prisms using familiar metric units (VCMMG196)
  3. Compare 12- and 24-hour time systems and convert between them (VCMMG197)
  1. Connect three-dimensional objects with their nets and other two-dimensional representations (VCMMG198)
Location and transformation
  1. Use a grid reference system to describe locations. Describe routes using landmarks and directional language (VCMMG199)
  2. Describe translations, reflections and rotations of two-dimensional shapes. Identify line and rotational symmetries (VCMMG200)
  3. Apply the enlargement transformation to familiar two dimensional shapes and explore the properties of the resulting image compared with the original (VCMMG201)
Geometric reasoning
  1. Estimate, measure and compare angles using degrees. Construct angles using a protractor (VCMMG202)

Statistics and Probability

  1. List outcomes of chance experiments involving equally likely outcomes and represent probabilities of those outcomes using fractions (VCMSP203)
  2. Recognise that probabilities range from 0 to 1 (VCMSP204)
Data representation and interpretation
  1. Pose questions and collect categorical or numerical data by observation or survey (VCMSP205)
  2. Construct displays, including column graphs, dot plots and tables, appropriate for data type, with and without the use of digital technologies (VCMSP206)
  3. Describe and interpret different data sets in context (VCMSP207)

Mathematics Achievement Standard

Number and Algebra

Students solve simple problems involving the four operations using a range of strategies including digital technology. They estimate to check the reasonableness of answers and approximate answers by rounding. Students identify and describe factors and multiples. They explain plans for simple budgets. Students order decimals and unit fractions and locate them on a number line. Students add and subtract fractions with the same denominator. They find unknown quantities in number sentences and continue patterns by adding or subtracting fractions and decimals.

Measurement and Geometry

Students use appropriate units of measurement for length, area, volume, capacity and mass, and calculate perimeter and area of rectangles and volume, and capacity of rectangular prisms. They convert between 12 and 24-hour time. Students use a grid reference system to locate landmarks. They estimate angles, and use protractors and digital technology to construct and measure angles. Students connect three-dimensional objects with their two-dimensional representations. They describe transformations of two-dimensional shapes and identify line and rotational symmetry.

Statistics and Probability

Students pose questions to gather data and construct various displays appropriate for the data, with and without the use of digital technology. They compare and interpret different data sets. Students list outcomes of chance experiments with equally likely outcomes and assign probabilities as a number from 0 to 1.

Media Arts

Media Arts Level Description

In Levels 5 and 6, students develop their use of structure, intent, character and settings by incorporating viewpoints and genre conventions in their media art works. They explore and use media technologies and media elements such as time, space, sound, colour, movement and lighting, and evaluate the use of these elements in the media artworks they make and view.

Students identify the variety...

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Media Arts Content Descriptions

Explore and Represent Ideas

  1. Explore representations, characterisations and viewpoints of people in their community, using stories, structure, settings, and genre conventions in images, sounds and text (VCAMAE029)

Media Arts Practices

  1. Develop skills with media technologies to shape space, time, colour, movement and lighting, within images, sounds or text when telling stories (VCAMAM030)

Present and Perform

  1. Plan, produce and present media artworks for specific audiences and purposes using responsible media practice (VCAMAP031)

Respond and Interpret

  1. Explain how the elements of media arts and story principles communicate meaning and viewpoints by comparing media artworks from different social, cultural and historical contexts, including media artworks of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (VCAMAR032)

Media Arts Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students explain how viewpoints, ideas and stories are shaped and portrayed in media artworks they make, share and view.

Students use materials and media technologies to make media artworks for specific audiences and purposes, using intent, structure, setting and characters to communicate viewpoints and genre conventions. They explain the purposes of media artworks made in different cultures, times and places for different audiences.


Music Level Description

In Levels 5 and 6, Music involves students continuing to listen to, improvise, compose, arrange and perform music, independently and collaboratively with their peers, teachers and communities.

Students explore more complex aspects of rhythm, pitch, dynamics and expression, form and structure, timbre and texture in music they perform and compose. They sing and play independent parts against contrasting...

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Music Content Descriptions

Explore and Express Ideas

  1. Explore ways of combining the elements of music using listening skills, voice and a range of instruments, objects and electronically generated sounds to create effects (VCAMUE029)

Music Practices

  1. Develop and practise technical skills and use of expressive elements of music in singing, playing instruments, improvising, arranging and composing (VCAMUM030)

Present and Perform

  1. Rehearse and perform songs and music they have learnt, including their own compositions, combining aspects of the elements of music and using performance skills, to communicate ideas and intentions to an audience (VCAMUP031)

Respond and Interpret

  1. Explain how aspects of the elements of music are combined to communicate ideas, concepts and feelings by comparing music from different cultures, times and locations, including the music of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (VCAMUR032)

Music Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students use the elements of music, their voices, instruments and technologies to improvise, arrange, compose and perform music. They sing and play music in different styles and use music terminology, demonstrating listening, technical and expressive skills, performing with accuracy and expression for audiences.

Students explain how the elements of music are used to communicate ideas and purpose in the music they listen to, compose, and perform. They describe how their music making is influenced by music from different cultures, times and locations, using music terminology.

Personal and Social Capability

Personal and Social Capability Level Description

In Levels 5 and 6, the curriculum focuses on exploring the expression of emotions and how the expression of emotions can impact on relationships with others. Students consider the characteristics of respectful relationships and the behaviours that demonstrate sensitivity to diversity. The curriculum provides opportunities for students to experience various team roles including leadership, and to reflect on their performance in group tasks. They identify the reasons for and the impact of conflict and suggest strategies to reduce or resolve conflict.

Personal and Social Capability Content Descriptions

Self-Awareness and Management

Recognition and expression of emotions
  1. Explore the links between their emotions and their behaviour (VCPSCSE025)
Development of resilience
  1. Reflect on how personal strengths have assisted in achieving success at home, at school or in the community (VCPSCSE026)
  2. Describe what it means to be confident, adaptable and persistent and why these attributes are important in dealing with new or challenging situations (VCPSCSE027)
  3. Identify the skills for working independently and describe their performance when undertaking independent tasks (VCPSCSE028)

Social Awareness and Management

Relationships and diversity
  1. Explore and discuss behaviours that demonstrate sensitivity to individual, social and cultural differences (VCPSCSO029)
  2. Define and recognise examples of stereotypes, discrimination and prejudice and discuss how they impact on the individual (VCPSCSO030)
  3. Describe the characteristics of respectful relationships and suggest ways that respectful relationships can be achieved (VCPSCSO031)
  1. Identify the characteristics of an effective team and develop descriptions for particular roles including leadership, and describe both their own and their team’s performance when undertaking various roles (VCPSCSO032)
  2. Describe the various causes of conflict and evaluate possible strategies to address conflict (VCPSCSO033)

Personal and Social Capability Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students describe different ways to express emotions and the relationship between emotions and behaviour. They describe the influence that personal qualities and strengths have on achieving success. They undertake some extended tasks independently and describe task progress. They identify and describe personal attributes important in developing resilience.

Students recognise and appreciate the uniqueness of all people. They are able to explain how individual, social and cultural differences may increase vulnerability to stereotypes. They identify characteristics of respectful relationships. They contribute to groups and teams suggesting improvements for methods used in group projects and investigations. They identify causes and effects of conflict and explain different strategies to defuse or resolve conflict situations.


Science Level Description

In Levels 5 and 6, the curriculum focus is on recognising questions that can be investigated scientifically and undertaking investigations. Students explore how changes can be classified in different ways. Students are introduced to cause-and-effect relationships that relate to form and function through an exploration of adaptations of living things. They explore observable phenomena associated...

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Science Content Descriptions

Science Understanding

Science as a human endeavour
  1. Scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions are used to inform personal and community decisions and to solve problems that directly affect people’s lives (VCSSU073)
Biological sciences
  1. Living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environment (VCSSU074)
  2. The growth and survival of living things are affected by the physical conditions of their environment (VCSSU075)
Chemical sciences
  1. Solids, liquids and gases behave in different ways and have observable properties that help to classify them (VCSSU076)
  2. Changes to materials can be reversible, including melting, freezing, evaporating, or irreversible, including burning and rusting (VCSSU077)
Earth and space sciences
  1. Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the Sun) (VCSSU078)
  2. Sudden geological changes or extreme weather conditions can affect Earth’s surface (VCSSU079)
Physical sciences
  1. Light from a source forms shadows and can be absorbed, reflected and refracted (VCSSU080)
  2. Energy from a variety of sources can be used to generate electricity; electric circuits enable this energy to be transferred to another place and then to be transformed into another form of energy (VCSSU081)

Science Inquiry Skills

Questioning and predicting
  1. With guidance, pose questions to clarify practical problems or inform a scientific investigation, and predict what the findings of an investigation might be based on previous experiences or general rules (VCSIS082)
Planning and conducting
  1. With guidance, plan appropriate investigation types to answer questions or solve problems and use equipment, technologies and materials safely, identifying potential risks (VCSIS083)
  2. Decide which variables should be changed, measured and controlled in fair tests and accurately observe, measure and record data (VCSIS084)
Recording and processing
  1. Construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to record, represent and describe observations, patterns or relationships in data (VCSIS085)
Analysing and evaluating
  1. Compare data with predictions and use as evidence in developing explanations (VCSIS086)
  2. Suggest improvements to the methods used to investigate a question or solve a problem (VCSIS087)
  1. Communicate ideas and processes using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena and to identify simple cause-and-effect relationships (VCSIS088)

Science Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students explain how scientific knowledge is used in decision making and develops from many people’s contributions. They discuss how scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions affect peoples’ lives. They compare the properties and behaviours of solids, liquids and gases. They compare observable changes to materials and classify these changes as reversible or irreversible. They explain everyday phenomena associated with the absorption, reflection and refraction of light. They compare different ways in which energy can be transformed from one form to another to generate electricity and evaluate their suitability for particular purposes. They construct electric circuits and distinguish between open and closed circuits. They explain how natural events cause rapid change to Earth’s surface and use models to describe the key features of our Solar System. They analyse how structural and behavioural adaptations of living things enhance their survival, and predict and describe the effect of environmental changes on individual living things.

Students follow procedures to develop questions that they can investigate and design investigations into simple cause-and-effect relationships. When planning experimental methods, they identify and justify the variables they choose to change and measure in fair tests. They make predictions based on previous experiences or general rules. They identify and manage potential safety risks. They make and record accurate observations as tables, diagrams or descriptions. They organise data into tables and graphs to identify and analyse patterns and relationships. They compare patterns in data with their predictions when explaining their findings. They suggest where improvements to their experimental methods or research could improve the quality of their data. They refer to data when they report findings and use appropriate representations and simple reports to communicate their ideas, methods, findings and explanations.

Visual Arts

Visual Arts Level Description

In Levels 5 and 6, students explore how and why artists, craftspeople and designers realise their ideas through different visual forms, practices and processes. They develop conceptual and expressive skills.

As they make and respond to visual artworks, students explore a diversity of ideas, concepts and viewpoints. They draw ideas from other artists, artworks, symbolic systems, beliefs and visual arts practices in other cultures, societies and times.

Students extend their understanding of safe visual arts practices and choose to use sustainable materials, techniques and technologies.

Visual Arts Content Descriptions

Explore and Express Ideas

  1. Explore visual arts practices as inspiration to create artworks that express different ideas and beliefs (VCAVAE029)

Visual Arts Practices

  1. Select and apply visual conventions, materials, techniques, technologies and processes specific to different art forms when making artworks (VCAVAV030)

Present and Perform

  1. Create and display artwork considering how ideas can be expressed to an audience (VCAVAP031)

Respond and Interpret

  1. Identify and describe how ideas are expressed in artworks by comparing artworks from different contemporary, historical and cultural contexts, including artworks by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (VCAVAR032)

Visual Arts Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students explain how ideas are expressed in artworks they make and view. They demonstrate the use of different techniques and processes in planning and making artworks .They use visual conventions and visual arts practices to express ideas, themes and concepts in their artworks.

Students describe the influences of artworks and practices places on their art making. They describe how artworks that they make and view can be displayed to express and enhance meaning.

Students describe and identify how ideas are expressed in artworks from different contemporary, historical and cultural contexts.

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