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Level B (Towards Foundation)

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Critical and Creative Thinking

Critical and Creative Thinking Level Description

In Level B, the curriculum focuses on developing students understanding of the world around them, how to learn and solve everyday problems. Students become familiar with simple strategies to structure and understand the world and thinking. Students are exposed to thinking processes.

Critical and Creative Thinking Content Descriptions

Questions and Possibilities

  1. Explore questions about the world around them (VCCCTQ063)
  2. Use past experience to inform choice making and responses (VCCCTQ064)
  3. Generate ideas and solutions about everyday objects and experience (VCCCTQ065)


  1. Experience reasoning and conclusions (VCCCTR066)
  2. Experience information and ideas by participating in routine experiences (VCCCTR067)
  3. Make connections about objects and their purpose and application (VCCCTR068)


  1. Use thinking to identify and express basic needs and linking objects to a label and purpose (VCCCTM069)
  2. Experience the learning strategies of visualisation and repetition (VCCCTM070)
  3. Encounter everyday problems and learn how to solve them (VCCCTM071)

Critical and Creative Thinking Achievement Standard

By the end of Level B, students use their senses and cause and effect to explore and understand the world around them. Students generate ideas based on their experiences and make choices in structured situations.

Students begin to become aware of their own point of view through their emotions. Students answer ‘yes’ and ‘no’ questions which assist them to reflect on their learning and choice making.

Students use learning strategies including repetition to participate in everyday routines and events. They use cause and effect to understand the world around them and solve problems.


Dance Level Description

In Level B, students explore dance. They explore how dance can represent the world and they make dances to represent their ideas about the world. They share their dance with peers and experience dance as audiences.

Students become aware of their bodies and explore the body bases, parts and zones used safely in dance. They experience space, time, dynamics and relationships as they make and observe...

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Dance Content Descriptions

Explore and Express Ideas

  1. Move body parts and experience safe movement possibilities when learning fundamental dance movements (VCADAE005)

Dance Practices

  1. Explore ways of moving in response to stimulus (VCADAD006)

Present and Perform

  1. Share dance to communicate a given idea (VCADAP007)

Respond and Interpret

  1. Respond to own and others’ dance (VCADAR008)

Dance Achievement Standard

By the end of Level B, students follow safe practice when moving body parts and performing dance sequences.

Students communicate responses to dances they make, perform and view.

Design and Technologies

Design and Technologies Level Description

In Level B students explore technologies, including its purpose and how technologies meet personal and social needs.

Students examine the characteristics and properties of some technologies from one of the technologies contexts:

  • Engineering principles and systems
  • Food and fibre production
  • Food specialisations
  • Materials and technologies specialisations.

With teacher support, students communicate simple design ideas.

Students experience how designed solutions meet their needs.

Design and Technologies Content Descriptions

Technologies and Society

  1. Explore the use of familiar designed solutions to meet their needs (VCDSTS004)

Technologies Contexts

  1. Explore the characteristics and properties of familiar designed solutions in at least one technologies context (VCDSTC005)

Creating Designed Solutions

  1. Experience and explore how designed solutions are created and produced safely to meet personal needs (VCDSCD006)

Design and Technologies Achievement Standard

By the end of Level B, students are using some familiar designed solutions appropriately to meet their needs.

With guidance, students explore designed solutions in at least one technologies context. They experience designed solution ideas and select materials and components based on personal preferences.

Students follow a design process step by step and use tools safely when prompted.

Digital Technologies

Digital Technologies Level Description

In Level B, students become less reliant on high levels of co-active support and become more reliant on verbal prompts and gestures to facilitate learning. Students will have opportunities to create a range of digital solutions through structured learning experience, guided play and integrated learning, such as using a switch to access a variety of cause and effect programs, toys and devices...

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Digital Technologies Content Descriptions

Digital Systems

  1. Explore the purpose and use of some common digital systems (hardware and software components) (VCDTDS004)

Data and Information

  1. Collect and sort familiar data, and with assistance use digital systems to represent the findings as images (VCDTDI005)

Creating Digital Solutions

  1. Follow a sequence of steps and decisions needed to solve simple problems (VCDTCD006)

Digital Technologies Achievement Standard

By the end of Level B, students explore some common digital systems for a purpose.

Students collect data, sort them based on given characteristics and with assistance use digital systems to display findings as images.

Students follow a sequence of steps and decisions needed to solve simple problems.


Drama Level Description

In Level B, students experience and respond to drama. They explore how drama can represent the world and make drama to represent elements of the world. They share their drama with peers and experience drama as audiences.

Students experience different roles and situations related to real life and everyday experiences. They explore voice and movement to create role. They experience drama as a performer and audience.

As they explore drama, students experience drama from a range of cultures, times and locations. Students learn about safety in dramatic play and personal space through their interaction with other actors.

Drama Content Descriptions

Explore and Express Ideas

  1. Use structured dramatic play to explore ideas (VCADRE005)

Drama Practices

  1. Use voice, facial expression, and/or movement to imitate role and situation (VCADRD006)

Present and Perform

  1. Participate in drama performances to communicate a feeling and/or events (VCADRP007)

Respond and Interpret

  1. Respond to own and others drama (VCADRR008)

Drama Achievement Standard

By the end Level B, students make and share drama through dramatic play and improvisation.

Students communicate likes and dislikes in response to elements of drama they make, perform and view.


English Level Description

In Level B, students communicate with peers, teachers and known adults. Opportunities are provided for students to explore English knowledge, understanding, skills and processes through everyday experiences, personal interests and significant events. Students begin to understand that communication is a tool that can be used to indicate needs, make choices and gain attention. Students communicate...

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English Content Descriptions

Reading and Viewing

Text structure and organisation
  1. Recognise that texts can have many forms, can use images, objects and symbols (VCELA036)
  2. Recognise and attend to images in texts and on the screen (VCELA037)
Expressing and developing ideas
  1. Know that an object has a name (VCELA038)
  2. Recognise an object when named, signed or shown in an image (VCELA039)
  3. Recognise familiar objects and images in stories and informative texts (VCELA040)
Phonics and word knowledge
  1. Explore the concept of difference through matching letters, images, shapes and familiar words and sounds (VCELA041)
  2. Reproduce sounds associated with familiar objects and names (VCELA042)
Literature and context
  1. Respond to texts which reflect personal and family experiences (VCELT043)
Examining literature
  1. Attend to features of literary texts such as images, rhyme and refrains (VCELT044)
  2. Recognise a familiar event or character during shared reading or viewing of text (VCELT045)
Texts in context
  1. Attend to texts that have a variety of contexts (VCELY046)
Interpreting, analysing, evaluating
  1. Use images to obtain meaning from shared texts (VCELY047)
  2. Attend to images while listening to and viewing texts (VCELY048)
  3. Attend to imaginative and informative texts including visual schedules in everyday experiences (VCELY049)


Text structure and organisation
  1. Recognise the connection between an object, image and spoken word (VCELA050)
  2. Recognise that text can be attached to images and recognise that people pause when talking and communicating (VCELA051)
Phonics and word knowledge
  1. Reproduce speech sounds to communicate basic wants and use images and objects to express their wants and ideas (VCELA052)
  2. Recognise different sounds and words and their connection to objects and people (VCELA053)
Creating literature
  1. Select an image and illustration to represent a familiar literary text or recent event (VCELT054)
Creating texts
  1. Select image to be used in a short text about a special event (VCELY055)
  2. Make simple choices during shared construction of personalised multimodal text (VCELY056)
  3. Grasp and move objects within and between their hands (VCELY057)
  4. Use software or applications to select images and sounds for shared texts (VCELY058)

Speaking and Listening

Language variation and change
  1. Use sounds, gestures, images and facial expressions to communicate (VCELA059)
Language for interaction
  1. Recognise ways to gain and maintain attention (VCELA060)
  2. Demonstrate a number of ways to indicate a choice (VCELA061)
Expressing and developing ideas
  1. Recognise the connection between words, images, sounds and everyday objects (VCELA062)
Phonics and word knowledge
  1. Connect sounds and words and match them to objects (VCELA063)
  2. Copy a sound (VCELA064)
Responding to literature
  1. Identify a preferred text (VCELT065)
  2. Respond to familiar images or sounds during shared reading/viewing of texts (VCELT066)
Examining literature
  1. Participate in rhymes and songs from a range of cultures and echo some familiar rhythms and sound patterns (VCELT067)
Creating literature
  1. Assist to modify a text by producing a sound, noise or using an object (VCELT068)
Interacting with others
  1. Listen to and respond to simple instructions (VCELY069)
  2. Respond to a presentation on an everyday experience (VCELY070)

English Achievement Standard

Reading and Viewing

By the end of Level B, students will listen to and view a range of spoken, written and multimodal texts from familiar contexts. They can focus on an image during the sharing of a text. They select a text using visual images and request a text to be read. Students can recognise images of familiar people. They recognise their own name in print using a shape or beginning letter. They can sort and match pictures and shapes. They imitate some reading behaviour, including holding reading material upright and turning pages several at a time. They can show another person their favourite character or object in a text.


When writing, they can scribble freely using various materials or computer mouse. Students draw non-linear shapes and forms. They can use a touchscreen, press keys on keyboard and move a computer mouse. They begin to hold and manipulate objects. They assist in the construction of text by selecting images and topics through choice making.

Speaking and Listening

Students look towards and attend to significant people for short periods of time. They attend to and respond to key word instructions. They imitate familiar words, spoken and/or signed. They use gesture or ‘yes’ or ‘no’ responses to answer a question or respond to an instruction. They communicate basic wants and needs through the selection of objects, gestures, sounds, or action. Students find and identify a variety of objects in their environment, choose an activity by pointing to an object, and point to objects as they are named by the teacher. They communicate intentionally by using gesture, eye gaze or sound, or by selecting an object. They follow a simple one-word instruction.


Geography Level Description

The Level B curriculum focuses on places I live in and developing students’ awareness of the places they experience daily. They are supported to develop their curiosity of place by exploring some of the significant features of the place and what they do in each. They are developing an emerging understanding of special awareness such as location, direction and distance. Places will range in size...

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Geography Content Descriptions

Geographical Concepts and Skills

Place, space and interconnection
  1. Explore the features of a place and demonstrate a preference for certain features (VCGGC015)
  2. Explore the location of regular places and activities in school (VCGGC016)
  3. Explore the importance of places and participate in special events related to specific places (VCGGC017)
Data and information
  1. Assist to collect geographical data and information (VCGGC018)
  2. Use images to identify a familiar place (VCGGC019)
  3. Respond to elements of a space using positive and negative response (VCGGC020)

Geographical Knowledge

Places and our connections to them
  1. Moving to different places and recognising some features/places on the way (VCGGK021)
  2. Familiar places identified through images at a variety of scales (VCGGK022)
  3. The connection of self to other places in Australia and across the world (VCGGK023)
  4. Experience dreaming stories of the local country/places and their features (VCGGK024)
  5. Observe and identify major weather type (VCGGK025)
  6. The major features of a place (VCGGK026)
  7. Experience specific activities in a place (VCGGK027)
  8. Places used regularly at school and activities I do there (VCGGK028)

Geography Achievement Standard

By the end of Level B, students can identify some familiar places using photos, images or augmentative alternative communication when asked. They will select to view a multimodal text about a preferred place.

Students experience the familiar features and purposes of places and the representation of these features, purposes and their location as words, gestures, images, pictures and photos. They begin to indicate objects and places they like from a field of two to three choices. They begin to follow everyday language related to direction and location.

Health and Physical Education

Health and Physical Education Level Description

The Level B curriculum provides the basis for developing knowledge, understanding and skills for students to lead healthy, safe and active lives. Students learn about their ability and simple actions they can take to keep themselves healthy and safe. Students are supported to participate in activities associated with their personal health and hygiene. They cooperate and learn to complete some...

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Health and Physical Education Content Descriptions

Personal, Social and Community Health

Being healthy, safe and active
  1. Identify what they like and dislike (VCHPEP015)
  2. Identify some major body parts (VCHPEP016)
  3. Identify significant people and communicate when they feel safe/unsafe (VCHPEP017)
Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing
  1. Practise basic skills of personal care and communicate basic needs, likes and dislikes and experience the social skills of turn taking and sharing (VCHPEP018)
  2. Express their feelings, needs, likes and dislikes (VCHPEP019)
Contributing to healthy and active communities
  1. Participate in a variety of health, safety and wellbeing actions (VCHPEP020)
  2. Engage in structured play activities (VCHPEP021)

Movement and Physical Activity

Moving the body
  1. Practise basic gross motor movements (VCHPEM022)
  2. Engage in a variety of physical activities and explore basic play equipment (VCHPEM023)
Understanding movement
  1. Engage in regular physical activities and explore the development of their ability (VCHPEM024)
  2. Explore the space around them and learn to move in relation to effort, space and objects (VCHPEM025)
Learning through movement
  1. Cooperate with an adult to use equipment during physical activity (VCHPEM026)
  2. Use trial and error to develop balance, independent moving across surfaces and manipulation skills (VCHPEM027)
  3. Follow basic single word instructions when participating in structured physical activities (VCHPEM028)

Health and Physical Education Achievement Standard

By the end of Level B, students recognise themselves in mirror and photographs and explore the personal characteristics and capabilities they possess. Students express their feelings, needs, likes and dislikes through gesture and ‘yes’ and ‘no’ responses. Students recognise actions that help them be healthy, safe and physically active. They can identify places where they play and participate in physical activity from an option of two images.

Students use personal and social skills to assist them to participate in a range of activities. They demonstrate, with guidance, practices and protective behaviours to keep them safe and healthy in a variety of different regular activities. They intentionally perform some basic gross motor movement skills and use trial and error to solve basic movement challenges.


History Level Description

Personal and Present Family History

The curriculum at Levels A to D provides a study of personal and family histories. Students learn about their own history and that of their family; this may include stories from different cultures and other parts of the world. As participants in their own history, students build on their knowledge and understanding of how the past is different from the present. At Level B the focus is on present and recent history.

Key questions:

  • What people are part of my immediate family?
  • What stories do other people have about my recent past?
  • How can stories and events of my present and recent past be told and shared?

History Content Descriptions

Historical Concepts and Skills

  1. Recognise significant events during their lifetime (VCHHC014)
Historical sources as evidence
  1. Explore a range of sources that show families over time (VCHHC015)
  2. Explore peoples perspective to events within their daily life (VCHHC016)
Continuity and change
  1. Explore features of objects from the past and present (VCHHC017)
Historical significance
  1. Assist to construct a narrative about a person or a shared past event (VCHHC018)

Historical Knowledge

Personal histories
  1. Who the people in their immediate family are (VCHHK019)
  2. The structure of their immediate family (VCHHK020)
  3. Indicate the events at the beginning of the day, at midday and evening (VCHHK021)
  4. Similarities and differences within their daily life from day to day (VCHHK022)
Community histories
  1. Awareness of significant commemorative events and ways they can assist with preparation (VCHHK023)
  2. Explore significant places and site, and events associated with them (VCHHK024)
  3. Participate in celebrations and special events of a cultural or spiritual place or site (VCHHK025)
  4. Explore different technologies used to make their daily life better (VCHHK026)

History Achievement Standard

By the end of Level B, students identify immediate family members. They recognise some significant events. Students respond to images of personal, family and sites of significance.

Students assist to sequence significant parts of recent familiar events. They can identify themselves at different milestones in their past. They assist to create a story about their past using a range of texts, objects and images.


Mathematics Level Description

In Level B, students participate in everyday activities involving making simple correspondences between objects, and explore qualitative, quantitative and comparative concepts in action and language such as none, one, more, same, different, again and gather.

They recognise regularity in some events and that not all events are certain.

Mathematics Content Descriptions

Number and Algebra

Number and place value
  1. Use number names ‘one’, ‘two’ and ‘three’ in sequence to count in everyday situations (VCMNA018)
  2. Correspond ‘one’ with a single object (VCMNA019)
  3. Explore the concept of ‘none’, ‘one’ and ‘more’ (VCMNA020)
  4. Make comparison between items using appropriate language such as ‘same’ or ‘different’ (VCMNA021)
  5. Participate in everyday situations involving ‘adding’ and ‘taking away’ (VCMNA022)
  6. Respond to everyday practical situations of sharing (VCMNA023)
Money and financial mathematics
  1. Respond to everyday financial situations involving money and match notes and coins (VCMNA024)
Patterns and algebra
  1. Participate in the comparison of objects, using language such as ‘same’ and ‘different’ (VCMNA025)
  2. Follow a simple cause and effect process (VCMNA026)

Measurement and Geometry

Using units of measurement
  1. Compare objects using direct comparison (VCMMG027)
  2. Recognise and participate in familiar events that happen on a daily basis (VCMMG028)
  3. Participate in regular daily events (VCMMG029)
  1. Identify when two shapes or objects are the same sort or not (VCMMG030)
Location and transformation
  1. Respond to a simple statement about location or direction (VCMMG031)

Statistics and Probability

Data representation and interpretation
  1. Participate in data collection (VCMSP032)
  2. Participate in the grouping of data (VCMSP033)
  3. Experiencing data being used for decision making in everyday situations (VCMSP034)

Mathematics Achievement Standard

Number and Algebra

Students participate in everyday activities that involve numbers and counting, comparing groups of objects, and pattern activities. Students can rote count to three. Students identify ‘one’ and ‘lots’ of objects and show an understanding of ‘more’ in familiar situations. They manipulate objects and build a tall tower by using ‘more’ blocks and take blocks away from a tower to make the tower ‘less’ tall.

Measurement and Geometry

Students participate in everyday activities that explore measurement and use measurement attributes in practical situations. Students demonstrate beginning understanding of basic measurement concepts such as ‘long or short’, ‘heavy or light’. They explore routine events and show an awareness of time and daily routines by responding to a routine signal from the teacher. They demonstrate an awareness of object permanence by searching for objects that have been hidden and participate in class activities that explore three-dimensional objects. They can match identical familiar three-dimensional shapes that are ‘the same’. Students respond to specific instructions relating to manipulating the movement and location of self and objects.

Statistics and Probability

Students participate in class activities that explore object, events and displaying information. They develop an awareness of chance by playing with materials or objects that involve cause and effect (actions that will happen) and playing games where the outcome is unpredictable. Students respond to a simple pictorial representation of their activities related to a short time-frame.

Media Arts

Media Arts Level Description

In Level B, students explore media arts. They explore how media artworks can represent the world and that they can make media artworks to represent their ideas about the world.

Students learn about safety in using technologies and in interaction with others. They experience the role of artist. As an audience they learn to focus their attention on the media artwork and to respond at the end of the viewing.

Media Arts Content Descriptions

Explore and Represent Ideas

  1. Respond to characters and settings through images, sounds and multi-modal texts (VCAMAE005)

Media Arts Practices

  1. Use media technologies to select images and sounds for a story (VCAMAM006)

Present and Perform

  1. Share media artworks that communicate ideas or familiar story (VCAMAP007)

Respond and Interpret

  1. Respond to media artworks (VCAMAR008)

Media Arts Achievement Standard

By the end of Level B, students indicate what they like and dislike about media artworks they make and view.

Students assist to make and share media artworks using technologies and by selecting images and sounds to represent an idea or familiar story.


Music Level Description

In Level B, students explore music. They listen to and explore sound and how music can represent the world and that they can make music. They share their music with peers and experience music as part of an audiences.

Students learn to listen to music and experience rhythm, pitch, dynamics and expression, form and structure, timbre and texture as they explore and make music.

While music in the local community should be the initial focus for learning, students experience and are encouraged to take an interested in music from more distant locations and the curriculum provides opportunities to build on their curiosity.

Music Content Descriptions

Explore and Express Ideas

  1. Explore qualities of sounds and pitch and rhythm patterns using voice, movement, body percussion and/or instruments (VCAMUE005)

Music Practices

  1. Use voice and/or instruments to copy a chant, song and/or rhyme (VCAMUM006)

Present and Perform

  1. Perform music to express a given idea (VCAMUP007)

Respond and Interpret

  1. Respond to own and others’ music (VCAMUR008)

Music Achievement Standard

By the end Level B, students make and perform music using voice and/or instruments.

Students communicate responses to music they listen to, create and perform.

Personal and Social Capability

Personal and Social Capability Level Description

In Level B, the curriculum focuses on students learning how to be socially responsive. Students are developing an awareness of the emotions in themselves and others. Students are developing a sense of self and exploring their personal characteristics and abilities. The curriculum provides opportunity for students to participate in a variety of social situations. At this level student involvement in social exchanges is directed and regulated by the teacher.

Personal and Social Capability Content Descriptions

Self-Awareness and Management

Recognition and expression of emotions
  1. Respond to people or events and demonstrate a range of emotions (VCPSCSE059)
Development of resilience
  1. Indicate the personal characteristics and the abilities they possess (VCPSCSE060)
  2. Follow teacher direction and orientate their attention to an activity or person and persist in a task when supported by teacher (VCPSCSE061)

Social Awareness and Management

Relationships and diversity
  1. Identify members of their family and some members of their class (VCPSCSO062)
  2. Participate in routine activities and interact with others in a range of familiar contexts instigated by the teacher (VCPSCSO063)
  1. Demonstrate some simple social skills including attending to others, greeting, and following adult directions (VCPSCSO064)
  2. Demonstrate awareness of basic social rules by responding to assistance provided by an adult (VCPSCSO065)

Personal and Social Capability Achievement Standard

By the end of Level B, students express a range of basic emotions that indicate their feelings. They explore personal characteristics and abilities. Students focus on a task demonstrating persistence.

Students recognise familiar people and demonstrate ways to interact with others. They respond to teacher prompts to follow basic social rules when working alongside others.


Science Level Description

In Level B, students play and use structured activities to make observations and use their senses to investigate the behaviours and properties of everyday objects, materials and living things. They explore change in the world around them, including changes that impact on them, for example the weather, and changes they can effect, for example making things move or change shape. They use their senses to gather information and learn that explorations and observations are a core part of science.

Science Content Descriptions

Science Understanding

Science as a human endeavour
  1. Objects and the world around us can be explored (VCSSU011)
Biological sciences
  1. Living things can look and feel different (VCSSU012)
Chemical sciences
  1. Objects can be the same or different and can look and feel different (VCSSU013)
Earth and space sciences
  1. The weather and time of day can change (VCSSU014)
Physical sciences
  1. Objects can be changed and manipulated (VCSSU015)

Science Inquiry Skills

Questioning and predicting
  1. Engage in simple cause-and-effect exploration (VCSIS016)
Planning and conducting
  1. Explore using their senses (VCSIS017)
Recording and processing
  1. Use ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response, pictures, photos and concrete objects to demonstrate their findings (VCSIS018)
Analysing and evaluating
  1. Supported to make links between causes and effects (VCSIS019)
  1. Respond to language used to label and describe properties and begin to identify familiar objects (VCSIS020)

Science Achievement Standard

By the end of Level B, students can identify some familiar objects. They actively explore the properties of familiar objects and deliberately initiate a cause to achieve the expected effect. In structured situations, teachers assist the student to record observations of the weather, familiar objects and events using real objects and visual aids. They communicate their choices and indicate ‘yes’ and ‘no’ responses to simple questions.

Visual Arts

Visual Arts Level Description

In Level B, students explore visual arts. They explore how visual arts can represent ideas, experiences, observations and imagination.

Students become aware how artists, craftspeople and designers present their ideas. They explore how their ideas can be developed. They enhance their perception skills by learning to notice visual detail as they examine and represent familiar and new objects and events in their lives. They explore how artworks are created.

As they make and respond to visual artworks, students explore social and cultural contexts. They provide opinions about artworks expressing what they like. They experience the role of artist and audience.

Visual Arts Content Descriptions

Explore and Express Ideas

  1. Explore materials to create visual artworks (VCAVAE005)

Visual Arts Practices

  1. Experience some materials and techniques to make artworks (VCAVAV006)

Present and Perform

  1. Create artworks in response to an idea or observation (VCAVAP007)

Respond and Interpret

  1. Respond to visual artworks (VCAVAR008)

Visual Arts Achievement Standard

By the end of Level B, students indicate what they like about artworks they make and view.

Students make artworks using different techniques and processes and make simple choices on the use of materials.

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