recognise situations, including financial contexts, that use integers; locate and represent integers on a number line and as coordinates on the Cartesian plane
extending the number line in the negative direction to locate and represent integers, recognising the difference in location between (−2) and (+2) and their relationship to zero as −2 < 0 < 2
using integers to represent quantities in financial contexts, including the concept of profit and loss for a planned event
using horizontal and vertical number lines to represent and find solutions to everyday problems involving locating and ordering integers around zero (for example, elevators, above and below sea level) and distinguishing a location by referencing the 4 quadrants of the Cartesian plane
recognising that the sign (positive or negative) indicates a direction in relation to zero – for example, 30 metres left of the admin block is (−30) and 20 metres right of the admin block is (+20) – and programming robots to move along a number line that is either horizontal or vertical but not both at the same time
representing the temperatures of the different planets in the solar system, using a diagram of a thermometer that models a vertical number line
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