Identify features of the music they listen to, compose and perform, and discuss the purposes it was created for, including the music of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, using music terminology
identifying the features of music used in different contexts, and, using music terminology describe the ways in which it fulfils specific purposes in its composition and presentation
discussing the planning, developing or refining of aspects of music they are composing or preparing to perform and how their music has been influenced by music they have listened to or previously performed
evaluating compositions, performances and creative processes, for example, ‘how successfully did the group collaborate to communicate the intended ideas in the composition?’
comparing the expectations and requirements of performers and audience in different cultural and social settings and apply this learning in their own performances, for example, viewing a performance at a Tanderrum and talking with a representative from the local Koorie community about how the performance space is organised and using ideas from this conversation to plan how the performance space will be organised for their next performance
comparing music in their community to music of other cultures, times and locations, for example, ‘what clues in the music tell us where it was made, who made it and why? Do you use similar ideas in your music?
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