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Content description VCARC129

Arabic: F–10 Sequence / Levels 3 and 4 / Communicating / Reflecting
Content description
Reflect on their experiences when interacting in English and Arabic, observing differences in language use and behaviours
  1. comparing their interactions in Arabic and English, noticing different behaviours and language used, for example, adding the words عمو؛ خالة before the names of older family members and other adults to show respect, compared with addressing friends in English by their first name
  2. describing elements of Arabic language that are different from English, including gestures such as patting the heart a few times to indicate ‘That’s enough, thank you…’
  3. developing metalanguage for describing experiences of intercultural exchange in different contexts, for example,

    أتكلم العربي في البيت مع جدي وجدتي ولكن مع إخوتي أتكلم الإنجليزي؛ أمي تتكلم معي بالعربي

    وأنا أرد عليها بالإنجليزي؛ عربيتي ليست قوية؛ أحب التكلم بالإنجليزية أكثر لأنها اسهل

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