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Content description VCARC175

Arabic: F–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Construct and present texts in varied styles and formats to convey own and others’ perspectives on ideas and information for different contexts, audiences and purposes
  1. producing texts in oral, written and multimodal formats, such as blogs, print and online articles and oral presentations, to convey own ideas and interpretations of various texts for different contexts, audiences and purposes
  2. conveying information relating to community matters in texts such as posters, brochures and web pages, for example, a brochure promoting a holiday destination, a poster for a doctor’s surgery encouraging healthy eating, or a web page reviewing a new Arabic film
  3. persuading others to express their opinions or think seriously about a particular issue of interest in texts such as blogs, using language expressions such as

    لنفكر بجديّة؛ هل يُعقل أن...؛ لم لا؟ أليس هذا معقولاً؟ هذا خبرٌ في منتهى الغرابة! لا بد وأن نأخذ موقفاً واضحاً؛ علينا جميعاً أن نشارك في هذا الإعتراض؛ هيّا نكتب رسالة لصاحب المحطة

  4. evaluating and reporting on a contemporary social, ethical or environmental sustainability issue using a range of presentation techniques, for example, flow charts, PowerPoint presentations or video clips
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