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Content description VCARU016

Arabic: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Understanding / Language variation and change
Content description
Understand that the Arabic language has changed and continues to change through interaction with other languages and cultures
  1. recognising that Arabic has borrowed many words from English, for example,إنترنت؛ كومبيوتر؛ تلفاز؛ , and English has borrowed words from Arabic, such as ‘admiral’, ‘alcohol’, ‘algebra’, ‘coffee’, ‘genie’, ‘hazard’ and ‘sultan’
  2. recognising that Arabic as a language has experienced many changes over time and that classical Arabic is only used in ancient literature and religious texts
  3. understanding that Arabic, like all languages, is constantly expanding to include new words and expressions through interaction with other languages and cultures, for example,التواصل الإجتماعي؛ دردشة على الإنترنت؛
  4. recognising that the Arabic alphabet has similarities with the Aramaic alphabet system (alpha being the first letter, and beta the second), and that the Arabic ordering system أ؛ ب؛ ج؛ د is based on the Aramaic alphabet
  5. recognising that many words in Arabic are borrowed from indigenous languages of the Arabic-speaking world such as Aramaic, for example, أب؛ رأس؛ دم؛ أخ؛ أخت؛ شمس؛ لسان؛ أنا؛ أنت؛ هو؛ نحن؛ كلب؛ بيت؛ سمع؛ كتاب , and that many colloquial words, for example,بوظة؛ دولاب؛ دولمة؛ بسطرمة؛ , are borrowed from regional languages such as Persian and Turkish
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