Arabic: F–10 Sequence / Foundation to Level 2 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Recognise the letters and sounds of the Arabic alphabet and identify how letters are modified so they can be joined to form words
recognising and reproducing the 28 letters of the alphabet and the three short and long vowels
recognising that Arabic words are written from right to left, numbers from left to right
recognising and producing distinctive Arabic sounds such as guttural sounds ع؛غ؛ق and other sounds such as
ص؛ ض؛ ط؛ ظ؛ ح؛ خ
recognising that making Arabic words requires most letters to be joined, for example
طار؛ طير؛ ذهب؛ أكل؛ شرب؛ ولد؛ أب؛ ام
developing pronunciation, phrasing and intonation skills by singing, reciting and repeating frequently used words and phrases, noticing that statements and questions have different intonation, for example,