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Content description VCARU119

Arabic: F–10 Sequence / Foundation to Level 2 / Understanding / Role of language and culture
Content description
Understand that the languages people use and the way they use them relate to who they are, where and how they live and what is important to them
  1. exploring the meaning of ‘culture’, and understanding that it involves visible elements, such as ways of eating and behaving, and invisible elements, such as how people live, what they value and how they think of themselves and others
  2. recognising similarities and differences between naming systems across languages represented in the classroom, and noticing that Arabic-speaking students may have names derived from other cultures and languages
  3. understanding that some Australian-English terms and expressions have no equivalent in Arabic, for example, ‘billabong’ or ‘the bush’, and that terms such as ‘the movies’, ‘footy’ and ‘backyard’ reflect aspects of culture in the Australian context
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