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Content description VCARU182

Arabic: F–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Understand how rules of Arabic pronunciation, including patterns of stress and rules of pause, and writing conventions enhance meaning and aesthetic effect
  1. understanding that certain sounds in Arabic words can be dropped from pronunciation, such as the t sound in السماء صافية and tashkeel in البنت مريضة؛ الشمس مشرقة
  2. understanding that sentences can contain one or more verbs and can be joined with و or other cohesive devices
  3. recognising the need for a pause or change of tone in complex sentences with embedded clauses, for example, كنت مع صديقي عماد؛ صديقي من المدرسة؛ عندما شاهدنا الحادث الأليم
  4. applying understanding of how tone can convey emotions and shade meaning, such as distinguishing between colloquial or formal language, for example, حقًا؟ يا إلهي! معقولة؟ تعال إلى هنا حالًا
  5. reflecting on the role of pronunciation, rhythm, word stress and intonation in effective communication, and applying this knowledge to own interactions
  6. using knowledge of Arabic pronunciation and spelling rules when engaging with authentic spoken and written texts
  7. evaluating own spelling and pronunciation in relation to their understanding and expression
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