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Content description VCASFC061

Auslan: First Language Learner F–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Creating
Content description
Create imaginative and expressive texts that draw from their experience as Auslan users and members of the Deaf community and which support the experience of younger learners
  1. composing and performing soliloquies that capture elements of the Deaf experience in a hearing world
  2. creating resources to support younger learners of Auslan, such as signed versions of games such as ‘Guess Who?’, riddles, treasure hunts or amusing tales
  3. creating imaginative texts that present abstract ideas, such as hope, inclusion, friendship, in creative or amusing ways
  4. creating an Auslan version of a popular song, using elements of all parameters to convey key messages and nuance emotional expression
  5. creating a piece of art, such as a drawing, painting or photo collage, that reflects their experience of living in and moving between the Deaf and hearing worlds
  6. engaging with the work of Deaf theatre groups such as the Australian Theatre of the Deaf, using elements of performances as models for their own experimentation with signed theatre
  7. creating a performance for a school or Deaf festival based on the lives of celebrated or historical members of the Deaf community
  8. presenting a short story based on their own experience of being a deaf student in a hearing school community, incorporating key elements of narrative structure, such as character introduction, problem/conflict, resolution
  9. re-creating a theatre set from a two-dimensional image using signed space
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