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Content description VCASFC112

Auslan: First Language Learner 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Identify, paraphrase or compare information obtained from a variety of signed texts or from their own data collection and present the information in different forms
  1. retelling key points of multistep information used in classroom interactions, such as announcements or directions for a task
  2. watching signed texts that show people expressing likes and dislikes and recording and organising their observations in table form
  3. watching a presentation by a teacher or peer, identifying specific points of information, such as where they went for a holiday or what activities they did
  4. surveying peers in relation to their interests and preferences, categorising and comparing findings in charts or graphs
  5. following the steps of a signed demonstration of procedures, such as how to cook something or play a new game
  6. learning new Auslan vocabulary and language structures through interacting with Deaf visitors, teachers and mentors, recording the new language in personal sign dictionaries
  7. viewing live or recorded interviews or informal conversations between deaf people in different situations and contexts, identifying key points and topics covered
  8. viewing different types of signed texts, such as instructional sports videos or science demonstrations, showing understanding by responding to questions
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