Auslan: Second Language Learner 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Explore various types of non-manual features and the types of iconicity in signs, and gain confidence in using software to transcribe signs
identifying, demonstrating and describing the various types of NMFs: movements of the eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, cheeks, shoulders and body
identifying and describing the function of various NMFs in a signed text
understanding that the elements of a sign can be arbitrary, for example, the handshape or movement of the sign WHY, or meaningful, such as the movement and the handshape in the sign GIVE
recognising that some signs can occur with a standard mouth gesture and that these are sometimes called multi-channel signs
understanding that signs can be iconic in a number of ways, such as representing a whole object or part of an object
beginning to identify and describe metaphorical iconicity, for example, LOVE, AVOID/RESIST, and discussing how it relates to metaphors in English, for example the ‘time as space’ metaphor in both languages
transcribing part of a text using either annotation software such as ELAN or glossing, and recording what signs were used, spatial locations and NMFs