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Content description VCDEC002

German: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Socialising
Content description
Make plans and arrangements to carry out activities together and obtain goods or services, through transacting with others in simple and guided real or simulated situations
  1. making arrangements with a friend, for example, Ich gehe am Samstag zum Fußball. Kommst du mit?
  2. planning for a class celebration or performance, for example, following a model to create an invitation or program (Wann? Was? Wer? Wo?) or to write a shopping list, such as for a Grillfest
  3. accepting or declining an invitation, for example, a short message, Liebe/r X, danke für deine Einladung. Ich kann am Freitag nicht mitkommen. Ich habe Basketballtraining.
  4. participating in collaborative projects, for example, making and playing a vocabulary game such as Domino, Memory or Quartett, or producing and sharing a digital alphabet or number book for a younger audience
  5. following procedures and instructions together, for example, participating in sport/dance/craft activities or using a recipe in German to make Rösti or Kartoffelpuffer
  6. participating in real or simulated situations, such as buying a bus/cinema ticket or food, for example, Ich nehme ein Käsebrötchen; Was kostet ein Eis?; Das macht 6,50 Euro.
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