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Content description VCDEC005

German: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Present in modelled spoken and written texts information relating to own world and that of other teenagers
  1. presenting information, orally and in writing, on aspects of their immediate environment or personal world (a school/community event, celebration or excursion, or a new student), supported by the use of visuals
  2. creating simple persuasive and informative texts for a targeted audience, for example, an advertisement for an event, a virtual tour of their own and/or a partner school, a notice for a school excursion, or a report on a favourite band or type of music
  3. presenting statistics related to Australia and other countries, including German-speaking countries, for example, population and physical size, daily temperatures, number and type of dwellings, percentage of students learning one or two foreign languages
  4. presenting the results of a class survey, for example, creating graphs and/or writing statements to report findings on such topics as the range of leisure activities undertaken by classmates; favourite apps/electronic games, TV series, food, music or pets; or amount of time spent using social media
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