Translate and interpret texts such as greetings, signs, emails and conversations, from German to English and vice versa, noticing similarities and differences
translating short personal texts, identifying words and phrases that can be translated literally and those that cannot, for example, Guten Appetit! Guten Tag! Ohrwurm
using German–English cognates to predict meaning, for example, Brot/‘bread’, kalt/‘cold’, trinken/‘to drink’
recognising compound words, and collecting and analysing interesting examples (der Schulsport, die Realschule, babyleicht), noting that compound nouns take the gender of the last noun in the compound
translating public signs from German to English and vice versa, noticing similarities and differences
interpreting for and explaining to peers and family members aspects of German language and culture (in texts such as emails and conversations) that are interesting and/or different, for example, that when addressing teachers in German you use family names after the titles Frau and Herr, unlike the English use of just ‘Miss’ or ‘Sir’